Chapter 1

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Before the fanfic starts, I'd just like to say that in no way was this written to encourage any of the actions these characters make. Drugs are bad kids. Please make good choices and be safe out there folks. The characters in this story look like the content creators but are not them. They are a reimagining of the characters from dsmp lore. Any trigger warnings will be added at the beginning of each chapter, but I'll put some below this note. I got inspiration for this fic from It's ya gurl! Vita's Bench Trio Troublemakers AU animatics on YouTube. I highly recommend checking them out. Alright that's all from me for now. Hope you all enjoy!

Trigger warnings for this fic that I'm aware of so far: minors using drugs, drug use, overdosing, underage drinking, alcohol addiction, alcohol abuse, smoking, eating disorders, swearing, vomiting, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, trauma, child abuse, fighting, mental disorders, severe bullying, homophobic slurs, and panic attacks.

Trigger warnings for this fic in particular: Smoking, underage drinking, swearing, implications of alcohol addiction/alcohol abuse, implications of a eating disorder.

The bars were filled with eager chatter. It was always like that when we were there. Not because we were exciting or anything, but because on days of big sports events the bartender is too focused on the game being broadcasted on the TV to bother asking for IDs. We always sit in the back to avoid suspicion with the drinks we never pay for. Tommy usually gets some sort of whiskey. Toby just drinks beer, any beer, too much beer actually. And I drink vodka. It tastes like shit but it gets the job done all the same. We go to the same bars every time; telling the bartender to leave our drinks on someone else's tab. Then we leave the bar, walk down the alleys of the city and stumble our way back to our shared apartment that smells like shit and is cramped as hell. Toby usually passes out as soon as I get the door unlocked while Tommy sits on the sofa smoking a few cigarettes and ignoring me. I'm just glad I have friends for once in my life. Even if they can't help me get better. It's good to not feel alone anymore.
"Hey Ranboo!" I look up at Tommy, "how long are you going to stare at the floor for?" He asks after taking another drag off of his cigarette.

"Oh uh sorry I guess I spaced out there for a second."

"Whatever, you wanna go mess some shit up?"

"Depends, are you going to get me caught?"

"Big man I'd never let the coppers catch ya. You know that!"

"I- alright Tommy. What are we messing up tonight?"

"I dunno yet," Tommy says while getting up off the sofa and grabbing his leather jacket from the only chair we have in our apartment and swinging it over his shoulder, "don't wake Toby. We'll mess some shit up on our own this time." He begins to put on his jacket.
"Alright," I smile under my black and white mask while reaching for my sunglasses and jacket. Tommy grabs a backpack before exiting the apartment. I put on the sunglasses and jacket, then I go to the closet and grab a torn up blanket and place it over Toby. If only we didn't have to steal stuff all the time. I sigh then turn to follow Tommy. He's waiting for me outside the door. We started walking down the stairs before he asked
"Ranboo, what took you so long?"

"Sorry Boss man I was just getting Toby a blanket."

"I guess it's ok Ranboo. I wasn't waiting that long."

"Alright Tommy, what are we doing tonight?"
We walked a few blocks away from the apartment before Tommy settled on our target. A gray 1990 Ford Taurus parked behind an alleyway.
"Tommy, why this car?"

"Mate this car needs a makeover. Spray painting this will be like doing the owner a favor. Now put your hood up before someone sees you."

I chuckled a little bit and put up the hood of my lemon demon sweatshirt. Tommy carefully takes off the backpack and sets it down next to the car. He pulls out a green bandana and puts it on and over his mouth, then he grabs a white spray can and a black one. He pops the lids off and hands them to me.
"Work your magic, Ranboo."

I smile and begin to spray paint the car as if it was a canvas. I gracefully create my art while Tommy keeps a lookout for anyone. I hand him back the spray cans and he hands me the green and red ones. I continue to work. I quickly paint on my trademark symbol and hand the cans back to Tommy. He carefully puts them away, zips up the bag, and slings it around his shoulder. We both step back and quietly admire my work. I made a wolf on top of the gray car; green and red pours out of its eyes and onto the window. Just like it looks in my dreams.
"Not bad Ranboo! Nicely done!" Tommy playfully slaps me on the back and smiles. I laugh and smile back.
"Alright, are we heading back to Toby?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's prolly up by now."

"Ok let's hurry up before-"

A door being slammed open interrupted me.
"Hey! You filthy rats! Get away from my car!" A man angrily yelled while running at us.

"Shit! Let's get out of here!"

Tommy quickly broke into a dash down a nearby alley and I followed. The man stopped chasing us after he saw what we'd done to his car, but we took the long way home just in case. We arrived at the apartment around 11:37 p.m; out of breath and exhausted. I pulled out the keys and unlocked the door to find Toby eating Fish and Chips on the couch while drinking more beer. I walked to the fridge before talking to him to find that the beer box we had stolen the other day was already less than halfway full.
"Tommy! Ranboo! Welcome home! What'd you guys do without me?"

"I painted another piece." I said while grabbing a frozen meal from the freezer and popping it in the microwave.
"From another dream?" Toby asked while eating a fry. I quickly looked around for Tommy. He had gone to smoke in the bathroom.

"Yeah. It was the wolf this time."

"The one that ate the city or the one in the sand?"

"The one that ate the city."

"I figured that one looks totally awesome, Boss Man."

I draw things from my dreams a lot and I always share them with Toby.
"Hey are we going to sleep or what?" Tommy asks from the doorway of the bathroom.
"Yeah I could sleep after I'm done eating." Toby answers while stuffing some fried fish in his mouth.

"I'll go to sleep." I say while walking to our bedroom.

"Aight imma finish this joint then sleep."

"Ok guys, goodnight I'll see you in the morning." I hug Toby and wave to Tommy before walking into the only bedroom in the apartment.
Damn we are pretty poor. I change into more comfortable clothes for sleeping and lay down on a blanket on the floor. Toby found a twin size mattress on the side of the road, so he brought it home. It was extremely dirty but after I cleaned it, it was sleepable. There's not enough room for all of us so we take turns. I usually end up sleeping on the floor though. I sigh and close my eyes, before eventually drifting off to sleep.

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