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The girl

When Laya's mother finally leaves, she hooks on her Bluetooth earphones and plays one of her favorite songs. The beats strung deep somewhere within her.

She almost busts a move but then her eyes fall on the chore list her mom has left her. She said she would be gone for a few hours and this had to be complete before Laya began her other atrocities. Laya strutted towards the paper.

The handwriting was scratched in a hurry but Laya understood every word. She was very used to these lists.

Dry the clothes
Fold the clothes
Boil the corn for dinner
Organize the store room shelves
Broom the hall.

Okay, today’s was short, she considered.

She had days where she was stuck with unending chores. But this? This would be over in jiffy. Maximum an hour if so.

She kept some water to boil. Checked the washing machine's timer. Opened the windows for drying the clothes And prepared an outfit for cleaning the store room, the bluetooth earphones were still stuck to her, so she just played a song.
She had intricate playlists but a very wild daily mix played in her ears right now. But as she walked now, it wasn’t a normal walk. Her feet wriggled, awkwardly. Her hands formed shapes and head slid to sides. She even sang the lyrics wrong at some point and continued doing her chores, pausing to dance properly to some parts. She felt amazing. She felt like….

An invincible queen. A magical creature. Or just a girl swimming in an ocean of wine.
In her mind, she was a goddess. She was the moment.

But not to the spectator watching every weird move through her open window.

Weird Dancing GirlWhere stories live. Discover now