The trail leads me deeper into their makeshift territory. I jog until I'm close enough to see furry bodies curled in sleep.

They're all out in the open, under trees and shrubs. Usually, wolves hide out in caves or somewhere with shelter, so I'm surprised. I wonder if they're getting desperate to find places to rest.

I keep my distance from the sleeping wolves and circle them widely, keeping an eye open for scouts or guards. I'm searching desperately for a little pale human. She should stick out like a moonlight flower.

The sound of approaching paws makes me shrink into the cover of a small bush. I know I'm shit out of luck if they smell me, though. There are probably a hundred or so wolves camped out here. I wouldn't last a second if they decided to charge me. Not to mention I've been running for hours and I'm fatigued. I should have had a better plan, but all I could think about was getting here, getting Emery. I don't care what it takes.

An ashy gray head peeps around the bush. I feel a wave of relief and emerge to brush my nose against my Beta's. I nod my head and he follows after me. We continue to circle the group. I don't see Arabella or Emery anywhere, though their scents lead right into the den of sleeping wolves. My guess is they're at the center of it. Arabella is hiding like the little bitch she is.

Denver and I shift so we can devise a strategy.

"I think they're at the center," he says.

"Me too. I think we either need to cause a distraction or charge in. We're fucked either way."

Denver dips his head. "I'll do whatever you think is best."

"Why don't I run in there and distract them?" I say. "You can go through the back and hopefully find her."

"We both know you'd be chomping at the bit to know if she's okay. I'll distract them and you can go in from the back," he suggests.

He's right. I want to know if she's okay right now. I wouldn't have the patience to be chased.

"You're going to get hurt," I warn him. "You know what the rogues do."

"You're not getting out of this easy either." His mouth twitched with a smile. "I happen to know they hate Alphas."

Rolling my eyes, I playfully nudge my shoulder into his. He could actually die. I hope he doesn't, but it's likely. These rogues are out of control. If I could find a way to distract them and find Emery, I would make Denver go home. But I can't do this alone.

"Run home," I tell him. "If you can get away, forget us. Promise me you'll take care of everyone."

"Alpha, please stop." He shakes his head.

"Promise me, Denver."

Sighing, he nods. "Okay. I promise. But you two are getting out of here alive. The pack needs you. Both of you."

I say nothing. If I can't save Emery, I can't be the Alpha my pack needs.

"Don't forget about the hostages," I say. "Don't let them die."

"I won't."

We meet each other's eyes for the last time before shifting back. I feel tense. Something bad is going to happen. I just pray it isn't going to happen to my mate.

Denver and I split ways. I circle to the backside of the den where there seem to be fewer wolves. A chill moves through me at Denver's howl. I hear the moving bodies of wolves jumping up from sleep.

The wolves in front of me take off. I slink down slowly, keeping my head low.

A few wolves linger around, curious but not motivated. I don't look at them and hope they don't smell me right away. I need a few minutes at least.

Suddenly Emery's smell is overwhelming. I look around to no avail. Then I hear a familiar humorless laugh.

My body buzzes with a growl. I'm going to kill her and I'm going to enjoy it. Some of the wolves cock their heads in my direction.

Fuck it. I sprint towards the sound of Arabella and rush at the sound of being followed. Emery's scent grows thicker until I see her. Arabella holds my mate against her front. Her mouth is on Emery's neck. White hot fury drives my legs faster until I reach them, skidding across the floor of pine straw and leaves. I shift as I do so. The cool morning air stabs at my bare flesh.

I survey Emery quickly. She was wet and shivering. Her eyes are saucers and I can hear the panicked rush of her pulse. Aside from that, she seems unharmed.

"What the fuck is this, Arabella?" I snarl, looking at the tall blonde behind Emery.

She is naked and her eyes are light with malice. "I had to get your attention somehow. If I'd known you had a mate, I would have killed her weeks ago. It seems my sources didn't get the full story right."

I step forward, hardly resisting the urge to punch her. I can feel the other eyes watching, waiting for her command. A small woman stands off the side and glares at me. She must be Arabella's fucktoy or Beta. Probably both, knowing Ara.

"Probably because I ripped their fucking throats out," I growl. "You have no ethics. You are beyond saving. To stoop to this? Look at what you've lowered yourself to. Kidnapping the Alpha's mate. Such a helpless bitch move."

Ara pulls my mate more firmly against her body and Emery resists at first. She stops when Ara nibbles her earlobe and whispers in her ear.

My body rumbles with a throaty growl. I can't stand the sight of her touching Emery, but I know she could snap her neck if I do anything rash.

"You're right about one thing," Ara says. "I truly have no ethics. If I did, I would kill your mate. At least then your sorrow would be short-lived." She kisses Emery's neck and I squeeze my hands into fists. "But that just won't do. You'll just want to kill me, won't you? Oh, Lenny. You should have killed me while you had the chance. Now I'm going to make you wish you were dead."

She laughs and the hair on my neck stands. I feel her bad intention before she even clamps her mouth onto Emery's neck. Emery screams.

"No!" I hear myself yell as I lunge forward, grabbing Emery.

Someone grabs me, though, and holds my arms back. I fight, throwing the person off of me but another set of two are there to grab my arms. Laughing, Ara wipes the blood from her face.

"Why?" I bellow. "What do you fucking want, Ara?"

She smiles and holds Emery up, tilting her neck for me to see. Two puncture holes dot oppositely to the ones I put on Emery's neck. The arrangement looks like a diamond. I sag against the people holding me.

Arabella marked my mate. She marked Emery.

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