Chapter 36. A body as fake as the heart

Start from the beginning

'Of course it is. You hated so much the idea of ruining your body before, that I was reckoning you would get divorced first rather than comply and provide an heir to the Black family. But then again, this was one of the condition to become Aria Langdon's replacement, so perhaps it's better now that you came to term with becoming a mother.' Aileen stated pensively, as she took another sip of water.

Hearing the words that seemingly resonated with her conclusion regarding her intentions for the future, but with an unthinkable twist added to it, Aria stilled in place as her eyes widened in shock. She had thought to become Zane's real Aria, because she was a different soul trapped in the original Aria's body.

But Aileen was saying the previous her was also a replacement. The woman in front of her surely would not be able to tell she was another, so she was clearly talking about the original Aria... but the original was also a fake... how?

What was she meaning to say with the words "a condition to become Aria Langdon's replacement"? The body she had taken over was already the body of Aria Langdon. Wasn't it?

An uncountable number of questions flooded her mind because of the confusion, one which perhaps could be felt by Aileen who kept explaining, whether coincidently or not.

'Somehow seeing you now like this, I feel more assured for you. You had me worried for the last three years since you got married. I was even beginning to think you had perhaps taken birth control pills just so you would delay a pregnancy happening. It made me regret letting you back then when we were younger to be the one raised by the old master as his granddaughter.' Aileen sighed relieved, appearing as though she released a breath she had kept inside her chest for a long time already.

'Y-you shouldn't feel guilty.' Aria replied stuttering, after a moment of silence. Her answer was a usual polite one a person would give to another, when he or she was apologizing to you. Quite a proper answer to give in this situation, as they would be normal words, effective in not raising any suspicions about her personality or memory. 

But for Aria who felt more uncomfortable with each passing moment, it was only an answer she had given reflexively, not one  for which she had put in such a complex thought behind.

'Of course I should. I've felt so guilty all this time... To let me grow up with my parents and not ruin my childhood, you made the sacrifice to let go of your old identity and get adopted by the old master. And because of this you also had to become the bearer of the wish from the previous generation, to become the one who had to get into a convenient marriage to Zane. 

This was hard enough, but to go through it when marriage and children were not something you ever wished for... And considering you were already going through so much, with the death of your parents.' Aileen recounted as small droplets of water slowly circled her eyes. Her tears were threatening to fall if this particular subject would continue for much longer.

 'Don't worry about it. I am fine now. I am happy in my marriage.' Aria stated quickly, getting a bit sobered up from her haziness when the children and the marriage were mentioned. It was not the time to lose her calmness, she steadied herself. 

'That is good, to still be trapped in a loveless marriage would have driven the both of you to hate each other in the end. It would have ruined your lives for good.' Aileen assessed sincerely, then continued.

'Anyway, let's leave those old matters behind, I shouldn't even be mentioning them anymore. I am happy for you Aria. Now that you are healthy, and as long as this marriage is something you want, I couldn't be more glad.' Aileen smiled cheekily, as she closed the discussion of the past. As long as she knew Aria's stance towards her marriage, it was enough.

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