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I am sorry for disappearing for so long, but I have been really stuck on the crimson Queen and am still not sure how to continue writing it tbh.

I can't stop thinking about this story and maybe after being done with it I can get back to writing the crimson Queen idk.

I do hope you understand🌸 please be patient with me


Lord Rowan noiselessly made his way through the dark woods of his land. Many days it had taken him to find the intruders.

But he was close to them now.

The smell of foliage and the feeling of duty had been following him on his journey. He hadn't thought it would take this long to find them, which is why he regretted going on foot and without his steed.

The sound of chirping birds reminded him that morning would soon come. Following the direction where he'd seen light in the forest from atop of a hill, he was certain that it would not be far now.

He heard a voice angrily echoing through the woods. Male.

He didn't bother hiding. He didn't need to.

He kept walking, straight into the line of sight of the enemy. The camp of the intruders consisted of about 10 people scattered around an almost burned-out fire. Burning ashes were the only thing lighting up the area.

"Who's there?!", a man shouted clearly surprised by Lord Rowans' sudden appearance.

He slowed his pace and turned to the man whose short but broad figure fit the description Lord Rowan had gotten of the enemy.

Ignoring the question, the young Lord asked, "Do you go by the name Everet?"

"What's it to you?" The man spat back.

Even though Lord Rowan hadn't received an answer from the man directly he was more than certain that he'd found the right people.

As he grabbed the hilt of his sword to unsheathe it, gasps and jerky movement erupted from his enemies.

Panicked by this, Everet turned to his slaves while unsheathing his own sword and yelling, "Attack, you good for nothings!"

All eyes were on him. None of his slaves were armed, if they attacked the stranger, they'd simply be killed.

Mariann, one of the slave girls threw a nervous glance at a fellow slave, Henry. He'd balled his fists, contemplating on charging the Lord.

She knew what he was doing. Henry was the bravest out of all of the slaves and he knew that no one would follow his Masters' orders because it meant death. But if he did maybe he'd go easier on the others' punishment.

Lord Rowan didn't pick up on any of this, but he also didn't care. He used the moment to his advantage by opening his canteen of water on his belt without anyone paying attention.

Using his powers he bent the water from it, to his will and let it soar behind Everet unnoticed. The young Lord charged with his blade at hand, while the water formed to a ball and pushed Everet forward roughly, making him almost lose his footing.

Rowan swung but missed due to a large flame erupting from his enemy's hand, causing his sword to slow down from the sheer amount of power in the flame.

A LORD'S WEAKNESSWhere stories live. Discover now