She occasionally went out in search of food and anything else she could need and use and she only found an apple tree up the hill, it was by itself, only grass around it, uncut grass at that. There was plenty of wildlife, this place was actually beautiful and nothing ruined it. It all belonged to nature, no signs of human life here, except for the tire tracks that Bumblebee left behind but that was normal. Plus, she went further away from where he chucked her out, she didn't want to be found so, she walked and that was when she came across the cave a few miles away.

〝Home sweet. . . Home, I guess..〞

In a way, she was wishing Link was here with her, at least she'd have someone to talk to but everytime she thought about him, her mind went back to Bumblebee, she didn't know why, even when she tried her hardest to remove him from her mind, he was still there. Just like the rest of the autobots, shaking her head, she heads inside of the cave after taking a few apples but only two of them, one for now and one for morning. Guess she'll be living on just apple's, she didn't mind really, apple's was her favourite but, probably not after awhile. She laid down on the makeshift bed like a dog, curled up, trying to warm herself up before eventually falling asleep, while she was asleep, a tear fell before.

Morning arrived, as the sun raised up from the horizon, all the birds started to chirp happily, opening her eyes, after what felt like only ten minutes of sleep, wiping the tiredness from her eyes before sitting up, her face wet, was she sweating even though she was cold? No, it was salty, she cried last night, these was her tears yet, still wet.

〝Let it go. . . Linkia, just let it go already, why am I even crying? Snap out of it already! Get a goddamn grip. .〞

Rubbing her eyes more, until they truly became sore, he left her without alloying her to explain anything, Link wanted her to be his girlfriend and the autobots ignored her like she was nothing and don't get her started on the humans, they wanted to hurt her, make her bleed, the sadness was truly alive with this one, unfortunately.

The Autobots, she wonders what they're doing now but, again, there, she was thinking about them again. Why, she didn't know all she knew was, she wanted to get them off of her mind.  For good. Inhaling before exhaling, listening to the animals helped a lot. Laying back down, breathing in and out, closing her eyes as she allowed everything to relax, her mind finally going blank.

The Autobots looked down as someone showed up, it was Link, he went to find them. Or, well, Linkia but she wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Where's Linkia?"

❝Bumblebee took her somewhere and left her...❞

Jazz spoke, admittedly upset with the yellow and black autobot.

"What? You, what did you do with her?! Answer me!"

Link pointed at him, Bee didn't even acknowledge him once.

❝A way from us— like you and she wanted— to be alone– together...❞

"You mad? I asked her out and she said no, she went to go look for you.. this whole time we've been together, she never once shut up about you. That night, I wanted to have some fun with her, to show how much I loved her so, I went to get in bed with her and she just got out and said she went to go talk with you. She wanted you and her to go somewhere to be alone, I don't know why but, she told me she didn't want to see me anymore, even though we was just friends, maybe I took it too seriously and wanted more.. but she said she wanted to leave, with you. So whatever the hell you thought she did or was going to say, you have it all wrong. I'm going to find her and you bet your metal body, that if you even think about going to find her... I will tear you apart myself!"

❝Allow me to help ya, Link..❞

Ironhide said, lifting him up and walking away, everyone just started staring at Bee, like everything was his fault. The feeling of guilt already washing over him.

❝...I get it- it was my fault- stop staring like that!❞

❝No Bee, it wasn't. You just saw a couple and assumed you did what you thought was best. I do believe, it would be best if we all got over this and just moved on. I'm sorry, Bumblebee...❞

Ratchet said, Bee never looked at them, he was just staring off in the direction Ironhide went and Soon enough, he came back but in a panic, his cannons out in full show and that's when everyone got up.

❝Decepticons, they followed us to the location Bee told us he dropped Linkia off, I couldn't hold them back, they was already there and before I could even put Link down, he blew up, there, Megatron was shooting at her, she was fighting him. He wasn't alone either..❞

Before anyone could say anything, everyone transformed and rolled out, following Ironhide, Bee was last to leave, who knew why.

She got hit by a cannon, but only the side of it, ending her flying into a tree with a loud scream of pain, the giant Decepticon, all silver with huge crimson colour optics, Megatron, towering over her, one of the smaller Decepticons laid motionless as she had already took one out, his spark shattered into a million pieces.

"Stupid fleshling! You'll die for killing two of my members!"

〝An evil cretin thing like you....〞

She spat out blood, coughing as she gained some of her blurry vision.

〝Could truly never win!〞

She couldn't move, she tried to but the tree hit, broke in half and trapped her lower body, only her upper body was free, just enough for her to hold her blade upwards, waiting for the moment he would stamp on her, but it never came, in stead, he was knocked flying by a blue and red truck who swung into his only foot that stayed on the ground, making him lose balance due to his other about to kill her, Optimus, he came and saved her, even if he didn't mean to, he did.

The weight suddenly shifted and as she looked up, the tree was being lifted and flung towards another Decepticon, breaking it even further, with her now being free, she got up and ran back to the cave, hiding in the furthest, darkest of places. It was Bumblebee who picked the tree up, she didn't think he noticed in fact, she was sure no one noticed her except for one, Ironhide, since he saw her there before, fighting one of them, guessing before he want to get backup to help deal with them all.

She wasn't hiding perśe, moreso, she needed to do something and grab something she did, as mentioned before about her masks, she takes out one of them, one she didn't show them, the Fierce Deity mask, with a heavy sigh, she places it into her face, her whole body evololoped in a white cloud like smoke, her body became that of a man's, the soulless white eyes, the armoured tunic, the blue and red makeup and the real Double Helix Blade which the new being held before walking out of the cave, the first thing Oni saw was a tall Decepticon, holding down Jazz who, was about to rip him in half, being 16 foot tall Hylian Deity, Oni swung her blade and an energy attacked sliced straight through its body diagonally, splitting it in half, another Decepticon shouted across, Megatron called for a retreat as his members was falling and he wasn't standing a chance against Optimus himself. Everyone stood there, Oni was pissed, blood still dripping out of the gap in her lips, occasionally still spitting out blood as it ran down her chin and onto her silver plated armour, the Decepticons left except the one she was fighting against, the Decepticon looked into those piercing eyes, it was like daggers cutting at its spark and memory as a sudden memory not of his, came into his memory receptors, he was being torn apart, by the very being in front of him, eyes as cold as night, bloodlust and dangerous, everyone he watched get close to it, died a terrible death, bodies sent flying, spines ripped out from their backs and heads rolling. The Decepticon waved his hands, in defeat, begging for mercy the mercy never came though, Oni, drove his Double edged Helix Sword straight through the Decepticons spark, shattering it and the Decepticon, died, shutting down.

Oni turned around, looking towards the Autobots who just glared in awe, the blade pointed towards each of them, cold eyes steering right at deaths door. Bumblebee stepped forward, and that, was when the blades tip touched his spark.

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