Let's Reunite

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Fannel listened with this charmed look on his face- but his eyes were fixed on the crescent moon earring dangling from her left ear- like he was hypnotized by its to and fro movement as Marilyn shook her heard.

Alexandra was about to walk in, when, 'Stop,' said Diana. Alexandra obeyed - anyhow disobeying a tall, fighter girl with a lethal jagged blade in her sheath was never a good idea.

Diana peeked in - her eyes fixed on her brother's. Alexandra gave her the time to drink in every feature - match it with what she would have last seen.

'Marilyn should not know we're spies,' Alexandra whispered to her. Diana nodded, then she stepped back-

'Let's go - I just hope, I just hope - the shock won't do anything serious to him.'

Alexandra laughed. Fannel heard it and he turned towards them, tearing his eyes away from Marilyn's earring - Marilyn looked back herself.

Fannel stared, as Diana stood there, not doing anything.

Alexandra stayed behind- Marilyn looked at her, a quizzical look, as though asking at one time- Who is this? And WHAT happened to you?!

Alexandra walked over to her, putting a hand around her and gestured shh.

'Mark...' Diana finally said, Fannel didn't seem to register. He kept staring.

'You are not- not...' He said, 'Are you?'

'Yes!' Diana said, her eyes brimming over and her voice sounding like she had that familiar lump in her throat, 'Oh dear,' she said, raising her hands till her shoulders like she wanted a hug, then dropping them back down.

'Mary,' Alexandra told the Losianish, 'Let's leave them alone,'

'But-' Marilyn began.

'Believe me, it's a good idea.' She repeated, almost pulling Marilyn up, 'Let's give them some time.'

'But-' Marilyn began again.

'Come on,' Alexandra interrupted again, pulling her away, she stopped just for one second, to put a hand on Diana's shoulder and then, they left. Closing the door behind them.

'Mabel!' Marilyn cried, finally getting herself free, 'What was that? Who was that?! It was not- not Mark's-'

'She's his sister,' Alexandra said.

Marilyn looked at her for a second, her eyeballs moving to and fro, 'Right,' She said, nodding slightly and pulling her hand free from Alexandra's grasp, 'Right,' She repeated. 'Then why was she dressed like a - I know terrorists, Mabel - and she definitely IS one. No wait- let. Me. Complete.' She said, raising a hand as Alexandra opened her mouth to explain. The perfect elder sister-in-law demeanor. 'Let me speak. What sort of a sister are you? Mark's hurt- and you're leaving him alone- locking him alone with a terrorist?! You have got no conscience- no - utterly no sense? I me-'

'Marilyn!' Alexandra said, 'Let me explain! Will you?!' Marilyn didn't reply, 'Thank you! That woman IS a terrorist. Yes. But she is ALSO his sister- his own, blood sister. And now- if you will SO kindly listen, I will tell you!'

Still no reply.

'Thank you!' Alexandra said, launching into the whole tale, trying her best to describe everything without giving up the fact that they were spies. She'd spent one whole year on learning to do this- but when the time came, it was annoyingly hard. 

'I- oh,' Said Marilyn, when Alexandra had finished, 'Oh,' she repeated, moving away and holding a table, as though for support, 'I'm - I'm really sorry... but - how all this happen- you're so hurt!'

'Er- actually I'm not hurt... I was just practicing these- medicines on myself. I'm quite interested in medicine!' Alexandra said, wow, you're lying skills are improving! Her mind approved.

'Is it? Really?' Asked Marilyn, narrowing her eyes,

'Yes! Or wait- I'll pull them off an-'

'No. No. No. I got it... yes, I believe you,' She said, 'let them stay.'

Alexandra shook her head slightly- Marilyn reminded her of Rose.

* * *

It was three in the night. And Alexandra couldn't really bring herself to lie down - to go and shut her eyes with the intention to sleep - too much was on her mind. SO much had happened in only one week. Her life had NEVER picked up this much pace.

She wasn't thinking anything. She didn't want to. For sometime, Alexandra wanted to shut off her mind and only listen to the dull beating of her heart.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

She was still alive. That day- third January- it had almost been burned into her existence. As long as she lived- Alexandra would remember it.

And then, she also felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her chest. I'll also find Diana. I don't know how, but I will. And I'll make sure you see each other again, even if that is the last thing I do!

You will see her again, I promise you.

Those weren't empty words anymore. She had done it. As she sat in the darkness of the hall, curled up in a blanket, one small lamp flickering by her, Alexandra could hear the Brother and Sister still talking in the room. It was what - eight hours? Eight hours of continuous talking... then again, they had nineteen years' worth of things to discuss. Listening to them, Alexandra felt her chest expand. Nothing gave her more happiness.

Alexandra had a fiery attitude, Alexandra was immature, but nothing made her happier than seeing the few people she loved, happy.

It's the same for everyone. You're nothing special, okay? Her vehement mind replied. But Alexandra felt happy enough to laugh at his taunts.

Definitely a He. Mind is always a He. Heart is always a She. No matter whom it belongs to.

Alexandra pulled the blanket closer around herself.

Diana found her way back. One day, maybe I will- too. Not that I'm particularly excited for it. I'm not excited for doing anything related to Doveland, actually.

Her thoughts were messy as usual. Contradictory. Chaotic. One of the main reasons she sometimes wanted to shut off her brain and simply NOT think.

'Mabel?' Diana asked, sticking her head out of the door, in a whisper. Alexandra shook out of her thoughts. First she looked here and there and then saw Diana, she stood up hurriedly,

'Yes? All fine?' She asked,

'Perfect,' Diana said, without smiling - but she looked a lot younger. A lot more ... humane. Still, she was a little emotionless, 'Mark's asking for you.'

Alexandra took a step forward, 'Sure... you aren't staying?'

'No,' Said Diana, 'I think it's my turn to sit in the dark and think about my thoughts.' She said it like it was a joke - but she still didn't smile. Those tears on the street had been ALL the emotions Alexandra had seen her with. Diana seemed pretty uncaring. She seemed like - almost like one of them. The ones Alexandra and all the other Secret Agents were supposed to exterminate. 

That, though, didn't discourage Alexandra from laughing, 'Why not,' She said, 'Have the blanket.' and she handed it to Diana, who wrapped it around herself.

They exchanged places.

The Exiled GemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora