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Can you write a drabble about Minato and Kushina meeting their grandchildren for the first time, please?


May i request some Boruto and Kushina enjoying super spicy burger together while the rest of the Uzumaki family watched the two bond over?

"Minato, are they here yet?"

Minato smiled, fighting the urge to laugh because Kushina had asked the same question for the fifth time in the last hour.

"No, my love. We'll know when they all get here."

He paused in his work, looked up from the desk, and watched as Kushina peered out the window. She looked like one of those dogs who stood watch at the door waiting for their people to come home, she was that eager.

He didn't blame her.

They'd been here in Kiri doing special work. As former Hokage, he knew he should have retired and stayed home in Konoha, but Minato felt as if his job as shinobi wasn't done yet. And since he and Kushina were well-versed in sealing techniques, they felt they were needed in Kiri to try to help with some of the more difficult work of undoing some of the damages of the previous war. The Mizukage, who had fallen under enchantment, had asked for their help.

Four years.

They'd been so busy, finding the time to go back home to visit had been hard. As a result, they hadn't been able to meet their grandchildren.

But they would soon be here and Naruto and Hinata had promised to bring Boruto and the baby.

He was just as excited as Kushina, waiting just as eagerly as she was, but he was trying to distract himself by working.

"Minato, when do you think they'll be here?" her voice came again, interrupting him once more.

This time, he laughed. He stood and gave up the pretext of trying to work. He walked over to her and gave her a hug. "Kushina, how many times will you ask me the same question, I wonder?"

Still in his arms, she pulled back and frowned at him. "I haven't asked you that much! I just..." Then she trailed off because she suddenly realized that she probably had been pestering him. She just couldn't wait to see the grandkids.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"The babies are here!" she screamed.

With another happy yelp, Kushina tore herself out of Minato's arms and sprinted to the door.

The door banged open when she pulled it with enough force to almost knock it off its hinges.

Naruto and his family stood frozen as Kushina's wild hair flared all around her in her excitement.

Then it was a blur as she mumbled incoherently while she gave everyone a hug, ushered them inside, and squealed over the children.

She grabbed Boruto and squeezed him. "Boruto! I'm Grandma!"

Ignoring the little boy's tiny protest, she lifted him up into the air and twirled him around, making him laugh.

"Grandma!" the boy squeaked breathlessly as he hung on to her shoulders. "Again, again!"

She did it again, making Minato shake his head. But he approached Naruto and gave everyone a hug.

"Hinata, you look lovely as ever."

Hinata smiled at him and presented the baby. "While Kushina's busy with Boruto, this is Himawari."

Minato managed to keep from squealing himself when the baby opened her eyes and cooed. Bright blue eyes sparkled at him and he melted with pure bliss. He leaned over her and made a funny face, which had Himawari giggling.

But Kushima was suddenly by them, pushing him aside so she could meet her other grandchild. Minato rubbed his arm, stepped back, and shook his head. She was already gushing over Himawari, but she kept Boruto anchored to her hip with one arm. The other hand was on Himawari's cheek, caressing the baby gently. "Hi, Baby," she crooned, voice pitched high. "Can you say, 'Grandma,' Himawari?"

"Mom!" Naruto said with a protest when he found himself completely ignored as Kushina alternated between squishing Hinata's, Boruto's, and Himawari's cheeks.

Minato looked at him sympathetically. "Yeah. She's been like that ever since she got Hinata's letter. Welcome to the club, son."

When she finally remembered she had a son, she laughed and gave Naruto a fierce hug. He returned it just as fiercely. "We missed you so much, Mom."

"Oh, Naruto! Your father and I missed you guys, too!" She included everyone in her glance. "Maybe in a few months, we'll finally be able to go back for a visit. Things might settle down."

"Kaa-chan! I'm hungry!" Boruto suddenly piped up. His stomach gave a little gurgle.

"Oh, let's go to this new burger joint that just opened up. We finally got Lightning Burgers here in Kiri!" Kushina suggested.

"Burgers, Grandma? I love burgers."

"Not just any burgers, Boruto. Lightning burgers that are super hot and spicy!"

"Kushina," Hinata began, her face wrinkled in concern.

Minato and Naruto frowned. "Mom, that might be too much don't you think? Spicy food at his age?"

"Hah! Nothing's too much for my grandson! Just you watch. He'll love it!"

To prove it, they all walked to the restaurant and ordered their food. Everyone besides Kushina and Boruto had the spicy burgers.

Kushina broke off a piece and held it to his mouth. Boruto took a small bite. His eyes widened as he continued to chew while the adults watched him anxiously. He suddenly grinned and slammed his fists on the table. "More!"

Kushima beamed with pride. "That's my boy!"

This time, instead of breaking off a piece, she laid the whole burger in front of him. She then took her own burger and bit into it. Boruto followed suit and did the same with his. They smiled at each other as they continued chomping on the food.

"Oh, god, Mom!" Naruto wailed. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Nonsense!" Kushina said. "What are you worried about? It's just a burger!" She looked at her grandson. "Isn't that right, Boruto?"

He continued chewing his food. "Mmm!"

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