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How about naruhina trying to hide their relationship at first only to be caught by Kiba and Shino because Naruto's really careless?

The distant thudding penetrated his sleepy consciousness, but still Naruto snored through the disruption.


This time, the thudding became loud, angry banging on his door.

"I know you're in there! Open up!"

A flicker of awareness tickled his brain.

That was definitely Kiba's voice outside his apartment and he was still continuing to pound heavily on his door.

Naruto sat up abruptly on the bed, looked at the clock, and cursed when he saw that it was already 9:30 a.m. He scrambled to get dressed as quickly as he could, throwing on the first thing his hands could reach.

He glanced around the bedroom and saw one of Hinata's shirts she'd brought to his apartment and quickly threw it into his clothes chest.

There on his nightstand, her hairbrush she'd brought a couple days earlier. He also threw it into the same chest. He'll put it back later before she was back from her mission tonight. The drawer banged shut.

Naruto stubbed his toe on the foot of the bed and cursed again as he hurriedly tidied up the bedroom. He still had to make sure that no trace of Hinata was in his living room before he opened the door of his place to Kiba. Hinata had insisted that they keep their relationship status a secret, but she'd been spending a lot of time at his apartment recently and had made herself comfortable in his home.

Despite the throbbing in his right big toe, Naruto hobbled into the living room as fast as he could.

"Kiba! I'm up! Just give me a second!" he yelled.

Kiba replied with a loud, "Naruto, come on! Hurry up! We don't have all day."

Naruto's eyes darted in a panic as he scanned his living room for any other of Hinata's stuff that might give away the fact that they'd been spending a lot of time together. Luckily, he only had to clean up her favorite magazine, which he quickly threw under his sofa cushions. The teacup she'd used last night went into the kitchen sink to hide it from prying eyes.

He ran to the entranceway and was about to open the door when his eyes caught the dainty pair of shoes on the floor.


He'd forgotten that she'd left an extra pair of her sandals there. Naruto managed to use his foot to shove the sandals behind his bigger ones.

He breathed a sigh of relief to see that it was perfectly hidden. He finally opened the door to find Kiba scowling at him and Shino standing quietly beside his teammate.

"Morning, guys!" Naruto said with a grin.

"I hate you," Kiba responded in greeting. He reached into his backpack and grabbed the documents Shikamaru had given him to hand over to Naruto.

"Don't forget that tomorrow, you, me, and Sai are to report to the Hokage at 8:30 am to get ready for that diplomatic mission for Kiri," Kiba was saying. He was still rummaging in his bag for the rest of the scrolls. When he finally dropped all of them into Naruto's arms, he added, "And don't be late, you ass!"

Naruto frowned at him. "I won't!"

He placed the documents on the shelf. He turned to Shino, who had his own reason for dropping by at Naruto's place that morning. "Hey, Shino. What's up?"

Shino held out his hand and dropped a piece of paper onto Naruto's palm. "Sakura asked me to remind you that you're due for a checkup on that arm."

"Sure thing! Got it, Shino!"

Then Kiba and Shino looked at him while Naruto waited for them to leave.

"Tell Hinata we said, 'Hi,'" Kiba said with a sudden gleam in his eyes.

Naruto gasped. "What?! How did you know?"

Kiba laughed as his eyes darted low to Naruto's left pant pocket...where a scrap of pink, lacey lingerie was visible and hanging precariously.

"That's her favorite shade of pink," came Shino's voice filled with amusement—and satisfaction.

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