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Im not sure if you've seen my post about Killer Bee's gift (yes or no pillows xD) But if you have, can you pretty please with a cherry on top write a drabble about NH using those pillows for sexy time? :3

He was the first one to get home tonight, and Naruto was looking forward to entering their apartment. He heaved a happy sigh as he turned the key and opened the door to his home.

It was looking a lot cleaner these days because Hinata made sure to remind him to clean up his mess. And he was always happy to oblige her because she was right. Having a clean home was nice.

He grinned at the dainty sandals perfectly arranged against the side of the entranceway as he hastily took off his own.

He'd been married to Hinata for a few weeks. And if someone were to ask him, he would say they'd been married for fifty-four days exactly.

Nobody seemed inclined to ask him, though.

Oh, well. Their loss. Still. He would continue to count the days because he wanted to be ready with his answer for that eventual day when somebody would finally ask.

Once inside, the first thing he always liked to do was go into the bedroom and check the pillows that had become a vital part of their married life. He sent up a prayer of gratitude for Killer Bee and his thoughtful gift as he walked towards the bed.

Today, will it be a Yes kind of night or—

He laughed suddenly because there had never been once a No response from her in the fifty-four days they'd been married.

But he abruptly stopped in his tracks as the unfamiliar color greeted him.

Wait, wasn't the pillow supposed to be pink?!

Why the hell was it blue today?!

Heart pounding, he went over to check because he just couldn't believe it.


The letters were clear to see against the white sheets.

N. And next to it, almost obscene in its finality, the letter O.

Hinata had left the No pillow.

On the bed.

His hand slowly reached out to touch it, but he drew it back swiftly because Naruto was suddenly reluctant to feel the soft fabric. If his fingers made contact with the pillow, that would mean it was real.

It would mean no sex with Hinata tonight.

He blinked, realizing there were tears in his eyes.

He closed his eyes, took a deep, calming breath, and shook his head.

Maybe this was just a trick of the light. Because there was no way Hinata would do that...

He opened his eyes again.

But there was no denying that on the bed, for the first time since they'd been married, the pillow said No.

No sex with Hinata tonight.

No sex.

With Hinata.


What the hell does that even mean?!

He stood frozen on the spot, staring at the offending pillow for hours, unable to move, trying to understand the message from Hinata that was so earth-shattering he felt powerless.

Until he heard the door open and Hinata calling out, "Naruto, I'm home!" in her breathless voice.

Dimly, he recognized that she seemed happy, while here he was, heart breaking, still rooted to the floor.

When she didn't hear a response from him, she approached from behind and touched his arm. Her face came into view, a worried frown matched her tone. "Naruto?" she asked. "Are you okay?"

He shook his head, raised an arm, and pointed to the pillow.

She followed his gaze. "Oh!" she exclaimed with a laugh when she saw the No pillow. "That's right! I totally forgot before I left the house!"

Humming happily, she traipsed to the other side of the bed, crouched down, looked under the bed, and took out the pink pillow emblazoned with the word Yes. She flipped the No pillow over and laid the pink one over it.

Then she smiled at him and said, "I changed the sheets this morning, and I completely forgot to put the pillows back before I left for work. I was just so busy trying to—"

But her words suddenly ended in a surprised shriek because he'd suddenly pounced on her and toppled her to the bed, his lips already over hers. He kissed her ferociously, and Hinata responded with the same feeling even though she was bewildered by his reaction.

When he finally took his mouth off hers, he frowned at her. "I'm going to burn that No pillow!"

Hinata laughed, her eyes teasing, twinkling with mirth. "I wish I'd seen your reaction! Did you really think I meant it?"

He stilled. "Wait, did you do it deliberately?!"

She pressed her lips together to keep from giggling, but the laughter escaped her. "Maybe."

"Hinata!" he yelled in disbelief.

But her laughter echoed again in the bedroom, and he realized that they were on the bed—still fully clothed. He smiled, then finally joined in her mirth and gave in to his own laughter.

Still, his fingers hovered delicately at the zipper of her uniform. "So how 'bout it, Hinata? Is that a yes, then?"

Still smiling, she laid a hand over his, squeezed reassuringly, gazed into his blue eyes, and said, "Always, Naruto."

NaruHina: PostscriptsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora