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#drabble request So we know Hinata enjoys ramen, but what about Naruto trying out Hinata's favourite food? Since he practically didn't eat anything other than ramen? A date which is not at Ichiraku?

"Sorry I'm late, Hinata!" Naruto apologized with a breathless huff as he ran up to her. "Shikamaru wouldn't stop nagging me about my debriefing. I had to give him a 'more detailed report.'"

"Oh, it's okay, Naruto," Hinata responded with a smile.

He quickly glanced around to make sure no one was looking and he snuck a furtive kiss on her lips.

She was still smiling when he pulled back.

"Caught you!" Kiba said as he appeared suddenly and slung an arm around Naruto's shoulder.

"Kiba! Wait, did you see?!"

Kiba smirked. "You mean you kissing Hinata? Yeah. So all your efforts to be slick backfired."

"Hinata! You knew? And you didn't say anything!"

Hinata covered her mouth to hide her smile. "You were trying so hard to be cool, I didn't want to ruin your fun."

"What?!" he yelled, but a blush was already on his cheeks.

"Anyway, have fun on your date!" Kiba said with a laugh as he walked away from the couple.

Hinata and Naruto walked to the shrine where the festival was already in full swing this late in the afternoon. The delicious aroma of cooking food assaulted their noses. Naruto's stomach gurgled in anticipation.

"I'm starving!" he declared, but in an undertone, he added, "I wish we'd gone to Ichiraku first, though."

"I know," Hinata said in understanding. "So thank you really for doing this with me. But this way, we can eat lots of different festival food."

He grinned at her. "Hinata, I'm with you, so it's all good."

Hinata blinked, blushed, and bowed her head. She pointed to a stall.

"Do you want to get some takoyaki?"

"Sure!" he said and while they stood in line, they watched as the person behind the stall rapidly flipped pancake-like balls filled with small pieces of octopus in the skillet. They ordered one plate to share. It was still hot so they walked to another stall.

Naruto eyed the sign above the food stand with some misgiving: Imo Mochi. Sticky potato cake.

"Potatoes," he said with a shudder.

She glanced at him and handed him one to try. "It's good. Here."

Naruto bit into it reluctantly, but the sweet and salty taste of it made him enjoy the next few bites.

Hinata laughed and dragged him to another stall where they ordered a crepe.

"Can I get a bite?" he asked.

She handed him the savory crepe filled with bits of chicken teriyaki. He'd only meant to eat a small piece, but he'd been on a mission all day and he couldn't help himself.

Hinata had unwittingly unleashed a culinary monster. After that, Naruto was unstoppable as he kept asking to try the food she was hoping to sample herself.

She watched as he devoured the ringo ame, the candied apple, she'd wanted to eat. His "one bite" meant the entire thing.

She was still hungry.

"Naruto! You ate all of the food!"

He grinned at her unrepentantly. "I told you I was starving in the beginning."

There was a pout on her normally cheerful face.

She looked at the remaining chocolate-covered strawberry on the skewer and frowned. Her eyes were disgruntled when she asked, "Can I have the last bite?"

Taking pity on her, he smiled and handed her the sweet. "Sure, Hinata."

But she ignored it.

Instead, she reached up, grabbed hold of the back of his head and pulled him down for a kiss. She slowly licked the sweetness of the chocolate off his lips and then his tongue. Done with that, Hinata took his lower lip between her teeth, nibbled softly, once, then again..and suckled oh, so gently before releasing his lip after one last teasing flick of her tongue.

She looked with satisfaction at her handiwork: the flush on his face, the tousled blond hair, the shock in his eyes.

Hinata laughed teasingly then murmured, "There! Now stop eating my food!"

He blinked at her, grabbed her hand, and started pulling her.

"We are going home right now."

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