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Can you write a fluff piece about Hinata taking care of Naruto's arm? She's so delicate and dedicate that uuugh it just hurts

"I'm sorry, Hinata," he whispered for the hundredth time as he looked at Hinata's bowed head.

She paused from her task to look up and smile at him reassuringly. "It's fine, Naruto. Please don't worry about it."

He nodded again, deeply embarrassed to have her seeing him at his most vulnerable.

His arm was healing nicely after his surgery a month ago, but he still needed help changing the bandages. Unfortunately, Sakura and Tsunade were both busy at the hospital taking care of the patients suffering from more serious cases.

Naruto had taken a look at Sakura's exhausted face and had swallowed his request for help.

Instead, he'd run into Hinata, who had also been volunteering at the hospital to help out with some of the work requiring byakugan users.

Even without him saying anything out loud, she'd immediately offered her help when she'd glimpsed the roll of bandages he'd held in his hand.

He'd been embarrassed that she felt obligated to do something he considered pretty disgusting. He didn't want her seeing the disfigured muscles and scar tissue of his prosthetic arm.

She only shook her head at him and reached for the bandages. "You need help, and it's the least I can do for you."

Hinata led him to an empty hospital room and told him to sit on the chair.

She smiled at him and said, "Hold out your arm."

Dying from shame, Naruto did as she asked and held out his arm. Her touch was gentle as she rolled the sleeves of his shirt up over his shoulder and then slowly started unrolling the bandages at the top of his arm.

She worked in silence and didn't say anything else.

He, meanwhile, closed his eyes because he didn't like seeing his grotesque arm. Still, though, he felt her hands gently trail over his prosthetic as she kept unrolling the dirty bandages. Then a cool, damp cloth pressed against his skin as she proceeded to wipe his arm clean.

"Hinata, you're so nice," he suddenly said, startling her.

Her lavender eyes blinked and then warmed with pleasure. But she said nothing and only shook her head.

She bent her head and continued cleaning his arm. She reached for the roll of bandage and started at the top of his arm again. Without flinching from disgust or any kind of displeasure, Hinata gently rolled the bandage over his prosthetic.

Naruto was suddenly glad it was Hinata helping him deal with his arm. It just felt so right to start the healing process with the kindest person he knew.

When she was finally done, he looked into her eyes and in his most earnest voice, said, "Thank you, Hinata."

She smiled again and said, "Thank you, Naruto."

And they both looked down to see that they were still holding hands.

NaruHina: PostscriptsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora