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These include the rubrics all judges should be guided by.


Title/Cover (10)

Is the title unique?

Is the cover neat and easy to read?

Do the title and cover correspond with the story?


Blurb (10)

Does the blurb make you want to read more?

Is it too short or too long?

Is it catchy?

Is it grammatically consistent?


Plot (20)

Is the plot original?

Is it appealing?

Are there any plot holes?


Characterization (5)

Are the characters unique?

Are the characters well described?

Do they have good character development?

Do they relate in a realistic way with one another?


Emotions (5)

Are emotions well described?

Can a reader feel an emotional connection to the story?


Flow (10)

Does everything blend with one another?

Are there time skips that break the plot?

Is the flow confusing, and frustrating?

Do point of views switch seamlessly?

Does the pace match with the story theme, and plot?


Grammar (20)

Is there a proper use of punctuation?

Is the use of grammar and spelling correct?

Is the use of tense consistent?


Writing style (20)

Are you able to read everything clearly?

Can you understand it well?

Do they tend to rush the pace, or slow it unnecessarily?


Personal thoughts

What are your personal thoughts on the story?

How much did you enjoy it?

What about it got you confused, or frustrated?

Is there anything the writer can improve on?


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