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October 29th 2020

"Good morning baby", Billie says with her morning voice.

Today's the livestream concert and I've never been more exited. Especially after what happened yesterday.

"Good morning pretty, are you excited for today?"

"Soooo excited. I feel like it's been forever since I've done a performance. And I'm even more excited since I get to do it with you"

"Aw that's really sweet but all I literally do is take pictures baby", I laugh.

"So? You're there and that's all I need", Billie pecks my lips and gets out of bed to get ready.

Damn I'm so lucky.

We're all dressed up and ready to leave. It's only a ten minute drive so nothing special really happend on the way.

Security asks for our names and lets us inside. Everything looks so insane. We've been here before but everything wasn't set up yet so it just looked like an empty ugly ass stadium.

Lights are shining bright and the huge green screen is all set up. It was Billie's idea to use it, which was one of her best ideas ever. The concert's gonna be such a fun experience.

We're walking to a little room where we can hangout until Billie has to do soundcheck and stuff.

"It looks so cool", I say excited.

"I know, it's exactly how I imagined it in my mind", Billie smiles, "Jenny is going to show you around when I have to soundcheck so you'll know where to stand and take pictures during the concert"

"Oh that's great!", I sit down.

"Do you want something to drink?", Billie offers.

"Yes please. An Ice Tea is fine"

"Okay baby I'll get you some",  she walks my way really quick to give me a soft kiss and then grabs us some drinks.

"Here you go mama", Billie hands me my glass.

"Thank you"

Almost finishes my glass of Ice Tea, I suddenly have chills which resulted in me shaking... which resulted in me dropping my glass.

"Fuck", I curse.

"It's okay baby, just be careful", Billie tries to find a broom to clean up the shattered glass. She sweeps the little pieces of glass with a dustpan. I try to grab the large pieces with my hand and throw them away.

Unluckily, one of the pieces cuts my hand.

"Arhgh!", I groan.

"What happend?!", Billie asks worried.

"The glass cut my hand"

I take my hand off the place where the glass supposedly cut my hand. But instead of seeing blood flowing out the cut, I literally saw the wound healing immediately.

What in the vampire diaries is this shit.

I quickly put my hand back hoping Billie didn't notice.

"Why isn't there any blood?", Billie asks concerned.

"There is. I'm just uh- scared? Of blood?", I lie.

"Let me help you then", Billie tries to grab my hand but I pull away.

"No it's fine. I'll go and wash it off real quick and search for some bandage", I quickly get up and hurry to a bathroom.

I once again take my hand off the 'wound' but there's no cut anymore. It just disappeared. Is this because I time travelled here? Or have I been bitten by something weird. Maybe Billie's a vampire. Kidding.

Still in disbelief, I grab a piece of toilet paper and give myself a paper cut. It did hurt like hell but there was no blood.

What the hell?

I walk back to the room, after putting on some bandage for fun, finding Billie sitting on the couch.

"What the hell was that?", Billie asks.

"What was what?"

"Why didn't you let me help you? You literally cut yourself and you didn't even let me look at it properly"

"It's just that I don't like blood? I rather just wash it off really quick instead of letting you examine it. I can take care of myself Billie", I say knowing damn well there wasn't my even any fucking blood.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I wanna make sure you're always okay"

"I'm okay baby, don't worry about me"

I kiss Billie softly before getting interrupted by the technician.

"It's time for soundcheck Billie", the guy yells.

"Coming", Billie yells back.

"Damn chill I just kissed you", I joked.

"It takes a lot more than just a kiss for me baby girl", Billie whispers in my ear and leaves the room.

Damn that escalated quickly.

Trying to hold myself together, I leave the room too and search for Jenny so she could show me around.

The concert was fucking amazing and the pictures I took were fire as hell.

Sadly all I could think about was how I don't bleed like a normal human being and that I have to figure out what is happening to me.

A/N: short chapter  again, but the story has a line again (:

when i was older | Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now