“I’ll show you adorable.” He muttered under his breath.

Not a second later and Harry had taken my weight, hoisting me up as my legs wrapped around his waist. My surprise made him deeply chuckle. The expanse of his hands cupped my backside, squeezing. The action distracted me as Harry took the opportunity to attack my neck, warm lips soothing the small bites. I whimpered, gripping his nape and digging my nails into his tanned skin to coax a throaty moan from Harry’s mouth. He had me pressed up against the side of his car, dominating me as I whispered his name in vulnerability.

It was at that moment I felt a spot of rain dot my cheek, the second one landing on my nose. I began to lightly laugh as Harry continued to try and prove a point, our clothes dotting with moisture.

“Harry.” I spoke breathlessly.

My back arched into his strong torso, plump lips tracing my jaw.

“Stop giggling. You’re ruining my masculine moment.” Harry muttered.

“It’s raining.” I informed him, rather amused.

My body grazed his as Harry held me as close as possible, allowing me to slip from his hold.

“To be continued.” His husky voice almost sounded threatening.

The passenger door was yanked open once again, this time with a little more haste, the droplets of water falling at a faster pace from the dark clouds.


The car ride consisted of lingering glances, the heat of the earlier situation still yet to subside. Harry’s attention was taken away from the road as I rested my hand on his knee. His eyes hinted at lust, my touch tracing the denim of his left thigh as he shifted slightly in his seat. As we stopped at the second set of traffic lights, my hand slid a little higher. Harry’s chest was rising and falling unevenly, licking around his full lips as he desperately attempted to concentrate. I couldn’t help the small smile fall over my face, my attentive squeeze causing Harry’s breath to hitch, white converse revving at the pedal as the muscles in this thighs tensed.

“Are you trying to kill us?” His voice strained in a laugh.

I didn’t think I’d seen him quite as flustered before, pink tingling in his cheeks as I continued my heated touch. It made a refreshing change, normally I was the one having difficulty in maintaining my composure. As the lights changed from red to amber, my fingers lightly brushed his crotch. Harry’s surprise slipped from his mouth in a curse, the car jolting forward as we stalled. My laughter echoed around the inside of the vehicle, the beeping behind us signalling the annoyed motorists impatiently waiting for us to move.

Seconds passed, the car accelerating down the road.

“I think it’s best if you keep your hands to yourself while I’m driving.” Harry joked.

I laughed, nodding my head. It wasn’t long before we pulled up to the curb opposite my house. My shy gaze met Harry’s as he captured his bottom lip between his teeth.

“D-Do you want to come in?” I asked quietly.

“Yes.” He abruptly replied.

It was humorously obvious of his excitement, driven by the thought of what I was willing to do for him if my little performance in the car was anything to go by. Harry had both his and my belt off in no time, jogging round to my side and catching my hand to help me down. A strong arm was draped over my shoulder, tugging me into Harry’s side as we crossed the road. I fumbled with my keys, his warm breath fanning into the crook of my neck as he encircled me in his arms from behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2013 ⏰

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