Character introduction :D

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Name: Katsumi Seju (Katsumi means "Victorious Beauty")

Looks: She looks just like tobirama senju. But without the chin stripes and her marks on her cheeks are thicker. I would like to think this is what she looks like when she's older. Just imagine this but younger. **"FireEagleSpirit" is the artist of the book cover's DeviantArt page, they are SUPER talented. Please send them your love. Their art is amazing.**

Hobbies: training, reading, writing, sketching, hanging out with friends, sleeping

Likes: peace and quiet, books, the night, stars, cold weather, a good story/drama, and all kinds of creatures (especially big cats, she thinks they are cool), and ofc her friends

Dislikes: Uchiha's, false info, lying, betrayal, being alone, SMALL SPACES (she's claustrophobic), and confrontation

Personality: She can be shy when you first meet her. That is however, until you get to know her. Once she comes out of her shell she is very loud and all over the place. She is like this with her friends and people she trusts. If she's meeting people with a group of people she's comfortable with, she will be her loud self. As soon as she is alone with a new person, she is extremely quiet.

She spends most of her time with Naruto at Ichiraku's ramen, and they like to practice/spar together. When she's not with a friend she spends her time reading and writing. She repeatedly said that if she wasn't a shinobi she would be an author or build a library.

Shinobi fighting style: She prefers taijutsu and Ninjutsu. She is really bad with genjutsu and not the best with weapons. She can do the basics with a kunai and shuriken, but that's about it. Her chakra type(s) are wood style, water style, and earth style.

Backstory: She is a Senju, she is regarded as royalty in the village. She has no idea why though. Her great grandfather is the second hokage. Her aunt once removed is Lady Tsunade. She hasn't met her before, but she does send her things while she is out traveling. She lives in the Senju mansions all alone. She chose to live in her great grandfather's old home, in hopes to be close to him. She spends a lot of her time training to the best of her abilities. She wishes to be just like her ancestors. She also picked up the hate for Uchiha's like her great grandfather. This results in a mutual hate between her and the youngest Uchiha. 

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