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Everything's gone to hell. Most of the JTF are dead. The division is scattered, and are comms are busted, hell I'd be lucky to even get a radio signal. The Black Tusk came out of nowhere blew up all of our base of operations, I don't know how many agents died In the explosion but I would be surprised is over 50% of our agents are either injured or dead. I just to find a place to regroup and see how bad the damage is.

Name: Jack Forrest
Age: 33
Height: 188cm
Place of birth: Brighton, England
Ethnicity: White
Sex: male
Last known location: White House
Callsign: Ace
Occupation: Former SAS, Active First Wave  Division Agent
Status: Unknown
Quotes: " I'm Gonna beat the shit outta you!"
Bio: Jack is a anomaly to say the least. He's gotta be at time the most temperamental person. He can go from being your hype man at a party, to wanting to tie you up and dump you in a river. His past is... checkered to say the least, went to prison for a couple of drug smuggling charges then got out and was top of his class in the SAS training academy. He retired after 6 years and got picked up a some agent recruiters and got in a few months later. He got called in to New York within two weeks when rations were going down, he was Handing out water,food,medical supplies, and something better, he brought a trumpet and played the American anthem which if you don't know, is a good way to boost morale. But after New York he's been mostly quiet he'll help here and there, but that's once in a blue moon.

Psych report: The guy crazy, I can get near this guy without him wanting to beat the shit outta me. Apparently one of his friends died because a Medic fucked up and killed him. If that's the way he plays so be it- Vasquez "Apollo" Piera

Close friend account: ( Agent "Lightning" 2 Weeks before going MIA)

"Yea I mean I talked to him" "What did you talk about?" "Everyone and everything man. Somethings are fucked up here and my friend is dead" "well I know that, I'm just asking out of concern" "I like the guy, gave his gun to me when I needed the damn thing and we both drank together" "That sounds nice, but I just really want to know. Do you want to transfer to and different agent?" *Stands up* "Na Fuck no, I take a bullet for that man" *Starts to walk away* "Do you understand the complications?" *Turns around* "YES!!!" *Turns around and walks out*

All right guys I just got a say this chapter maybe little bit too patriotic for some people can I get it. But it just fit the chapter and I thought it had an nice touch so that's all I Gotta say.

Oh and by the way if you wanna know what the accent of where Ace is from there you go.

Just skip past The boring parts in the video

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