The Runner

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Being prepared that's the number 1, never staying in the same place number 2. With what I do can't be caught off guard god everyone and everything after me. I'm surprised The division hasn't killed me I've put a lot of their agents at risk. I might have helped with the death of Steel. I mean I got paid handsomely But... The show must go on I don't care who you are you're on someone's radar and you don't even. Know it, and 1 way or another I'm probably gonna be the one with the gun to your head. And hell it'll be a bloody miracle if you get out alive, cause if I'm after ya you're done. And just to add one more thing try to find me I dare ya, hint you won't and never will.

Name: Henry (Unknown)
Age: Between 29 and 34
Height: 179cm
Place of birth: Ayr, Australia
Ethnicity: White
Sex: male
Last known location: Capital Hill
Nickname: The Runner
Occupation:  Former Australian SAS,Former Blackwater PMC, Active Freelance Bounty Hunter
Priority level: B+
Status: Active
Quotes: "I've seen Farmers put up a better fight than you ay!"
Bio: Henry was Born in Australia And served some time is the Australian SAS earning the rank of Captain, Before. Being Dishonourably Discharged for Crimes against humanity. He fled Australia to America and was Picked up Blackwater which was one of the biggest PMC's before the LMB. He went all around the Middle East and Africa doing unspeakable things before the outbreak. He was in New York to talk to some possible ShareHolders a couple of days after Black Friday. After being locked down he became a Freelance Bounty Hunter going to the highest bidder, He was able to kill a couple of First wave Agents and even a full team of Hunters which makes him one of the most dangerous men in the US. The division is trying to get a eye on him but because of his very sporadic movements it's been almost impossible. We've tied him to many major events in New York and Washington D.C. . And He's currently one of the top targets for the division.

Psych report: Not much is known about Henry but he is a nutcase, he's irregular in his movements and seems to be brutal when he's working. Like a true madman he always makes sure to tag the bodies he has put down with a orange ring, kind of like mocking division agents. He's short tempered, easily irritated and he doesn't take well to anyone trying to snoop around where they don't belong.
- Vasquez "Apollo" Piera

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