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Same stuff different day, The Black Tusk are getting more reckless day by day, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if the attacked the White House. We're spread thin as it is because of Caster, if the Black Tusk were to attack.... To put it bluntly we're fucked. We have bodies stacking up each day, And with the med shortage, I'm not able to treat people with severe injuries. Of course I have people scouting pharmacies for meds, I'm not dumb. But everything is running out in D.C and lower Manhattan. I don't want to send people into Upper Manhattan and the rest of New York because it's a war zone. The LMB even with their leader dead they've got some rogues heading operations in New York. The cleaners are still a big problem even with Conley dead. We also got Hunters on our ass as well. If I could go a week without hearing bad news I might as well go play the lottery. That's how unlucky we're getting, Well I got to get back to the med bay Tinkerer just came back with a couple bullets in his leg.

Name: Vasquez Piera
Age: 43
Height: 187cm
Place of birth: St.John's, Canada
Ethnicity: White
Sex: Male
Last known location: White House
Callsign: Apollo
Occupation Former Combat Medic, Former EMT, Active Second wave division agent
Status: Active
Quotes: "Just....Try not to get shot"
Bio: Vasquez Piera was born in Canada and is the main medical personnel in the White House and was the head of medical care and combat care in the division. He was responsible for making sure that every division agent has some basic knowledge of combat medical, and knowning what injuries you've sustained. He was able to acquire this position through 17 years as a combat medic in the Canadian Army and 6 years as a EMT in Washington where he was approached to become a division agent. When the outbreak started he was activated and transported to Louisiana to quell Riots that were happening establishing a good foothold. Then he was flown to New York to become part of the second wave. Helping with bringing down the Chain of command for the Rikers. After the call that sent all division agents to Washington he was put as the lead of all medical personnel.

Psych report: Vasquez Is a safe person to be around, he can be very hard headed at times, very selfless puts everyone around him first, I've seen him take a bullet or two. I can see why he's a doctor, he cares about everyone. Doesn't matter who you are. He also always keeps his promises. People around the White House say "A promise from Vasquez Is as good as a legal contract" He's deeply involved in anything medical I wouldn't be surprised if he could patch up a GSW blindfolded. -Ryan "Razor" Thomas

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