Chapter nine ~ Before the Performance

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Tonight was the night. The night that was promised. The night that is going to be bittersweet, and memorable, but will bring both joy and sorrow.

Tonight was the night Ryan was going to sing.

When the evening drew close, Ryan started getting ready, while his family came to see him perform, for they knew how much Wilfred's coming death would affect him.

As he sat in his bedroom getting ready for the performance, Kristen sat with him and stroked her stomach, while humming a sweet tune to her unknown baby boy.

"Kristen, would you hand me my watch? It's the silver one next to my jewelry box."

She handed him the watch, and watched as he put it on his wrist.

When he finished getting ready, he looked into the mirror.

"How do I look?" He asked.

Kristen sat next to him and looked into the mirror, seeing the beauty in his dear little brother.

"You look so beautiful."

She put her hand on his shoulder.

"So very beautiful."

She looked at him.

"Like an angel."

Ryan smiled and took his sister's hands.

"You, too, are beautiful."

He touched her cheek.

"So very beautiful."

He pulled her closer.

"Once this performance is through, let's spend some time, just us two. Won't that be fun?"

She smiled back.

"Oh, Ryan, most definitely."

She kissed him on the forehead.

As Ryan started doing touch ups on himself, Jenna came in to see him.

When Kristen saw her, she was delighted.

"Jenna, doesn't my brother look lovely tonight?"

"Indeed he does."

She walked closer to them.

"As lovely as he looked the very night I married Drew."

"And look at you, Jenna." Ryan added. "You look just like that pretty girl who would come and visit me when Wilfred was with you."

Jenna smiled to him, then looked at Kristen.

"Please, Kristen, if you don't mind, would you wait outside a while?"

"Of course, but when is Ryan going to sing? We don't want to miss it."

"Go sit with mom in the audience, my dear sister. The show is starting soon."

Kristen got up and left the room.


After she left, Jenna came to Ryan's side.

"Since the day we found out about Wilfred, things have gone astray."


"I'm not proud of the way that I've acted."

"We've both been."

She sat next to him, and Ryan immediately knew she was distressed.

"Jenna, what's wrong?"

"Ryan, there's something that I must ask you, if you care about me, as I care about you."

"Anything, my dear Jenna."

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