
Techno came down to the kitchen and I just glared at him

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Techno came down to the kitchen and I just glared at him

Techno: what?
Y/n: what do you mean "what?" ?! Did you just forget what the hell you said on Twitter in the time span it took you to walk down from our bedroom to the kitchen
Techno: oh that- it's fine
Y/n: is it? Techno I think you just gave a lot of people a heart attack
Techno: but mystery
Y/n: we should start the stream
Techno: ok!

Techno started his stream, while I prepared myself for the camera

Techno: is this thing working? alright! Hi chat. Hey nerds. Hope you've had a terrible day because now I'm here to make it better
Y/n: techno wants his fans to have a terrible day just for his own purposes?
Techno: shush peasant
Y/n: EXCUSE ME? Techno I will stab you and not in a video game
Techno: Y/N! What the hell?

I pointed a knife up to him

Y/n: take it back prick
Techno: ok I'm sorry! Not a peasant
Y/n: good

I lowered the knife

Techno: I am so happy chat didn't see that. Ok, lets see if technology likes me today
Y/n: AYY! It does
Techno: hello, we are back with another cooking stream because I hit 8 million subs
Y/n: mhm mhm
Techno: yes techno face woo
Y/n: and me! I am here but not here
Techno: yeah! Wait- why did you go all the way back there? Get over here
Y/n: no!
Techno: get over here please
Y/n: give me a second geez
Techno: it's been a second
Y/n: you are the biggest idiot i have ever had the misfortune of spending more than a year with
Techno: no I'm not
Y/n: yes you are
Techno: alright I'm done waiting, I'm forcefully bringing you here
Y/n: no no no no no no
Techno: too late

Techno walked over behind the camera, picked me up bridal style and then walked over placing me down just before we reached in frame of the camera. He then grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the camera frame

Y/n: hi techno's chat
Techno: stay

He took his hands off my shoulder and I turned around to walk away, but he pulled me back and out his hands back on my shoulders

Techno: stay
Y/n: I'm not a freaking dog
Techno: stay
Y/n: ok Jesus I'll stay, clingy much
Techno: I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that
Y/n: oh sorry- I said that you're clingy
Techno: so for today's stream, we are gonna be cooking cupcakes and fried chicken
Y/n: yes we will be doing that and hopefully not burn down the house
Techno: yes but, arson is pog
Y/n: arson is very pog yes


We had put the marinated chicken into the fridge to let it cool for an hour. While we waited for that, we started baking the muffins

Techno: ok we have eggs
Y/n: oh thank god
Techno: we now have only one egg
Y/n: what?

I turned around to see what techno meant but ended up stepping something slimy and because of my lucky, I nearly slipped and fell. Techno caught me before I fell

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