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"Jess..." His breathing was tagged and sharp. He was in pain. He could barely walk. His are was around my shoulder as I took him to the carriage.

"Ciel, It's going to be okay. Trust me." I saw the tears in his eyes. This is all my fault. If I hadn't gone to the headmaster's office. Ciel. we finally made to the carriage when Sebastian sat across from us. Ciel lay down on the seat with his head in my lap. he blew the hair from his face, and when he failed I moved it with my hand. His cheeks went red when he realized he was staring into my eyes.

"Ciel, I'm so sorry. I was trying to help." I wiped the tears from his face.

"Jess, it's not your fault. I sacrificed myself."

"To save me." He sighed.

"I didn't have to get in trouble and go in."

"I shouldn't have gone to begin with."

"It's okay." he smiled then winced in pain. his face still had a mark from where the paddle hit him.


"I know."

"Young master."

"Yes Sebastian?" Ciel asked.

"Lady Elizabeth is visiting the manor.".

"When?" His eyes went wide as he tried to get up but, I had to push him down. "Ngh"

"Now." Sebastian glanced at his pocket watch.

"Jess. Pretend to be a maid or something. Just, I don't know. Act like what we have doesn't exist." he cringed as he said those words.

"Ciel. I don't think I can." I couldn't do this. I needed him. and he needed me.

"Every night at midnight we can go out in the gardens. Away from her window. We can meet by the daffodils and tulips." he looked up at me and put his hand on my face. "trust me."

I smiled and leaned down to kiss him. just one last time.

"Lady Jessica, Young master. We have arrived." sebastian opened the door for us as we were met by a loud voice.


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