The First Lesson

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"Ms. PhantomGold will be announcing the people in the new art class."

I went up to the podium and started to list off names.

"Ciel Phantomhive ." I blushed. hopefully it wasn't too noticable.
I listed the names of the prefects and their fags and theirs.

Then Ciel looked at me and whispered to his friend. I don't think I called his name. His friend smiled and Ciel had a tiny smile. A very fake one. Claude told me he never smiles, but he smiles all the time with me. Do I really make him happy? Of course I do, don't be an idiot.

"Would the children whose names were called head to room 473?" The headmaster said. He rarely shows his face around the school. But he always calls me into his office. I'm the only teacher whose ever been in his office more than once, according to the other teachers. Does that mean? No. It couldn't be. I mean, like I'm only thirteen. I told him I was twenty something didn't I?

"Ms.Phantomgold?" One of the teachers said. I have to head to class.

"Everyone! Pay attention!" I've never sounded like this before but, I can't yell at Ciel. I just can't. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Today you will be, painting a picture of a," I looked around the room for something for them to paint. I'm a horrible teacher. Then I saw it. " This cat." Ciel looked at me wide eyed. I chuckled. I put the cat on the table and it sat down. "Everyone move closer if you need to. Paint the cat exactly as you see fit." Ciel sneezed.

"Um, Ms. Phantomgold? Can I step outside?."

"You may." Ciel ran out into the hall and slammed the door. I followed him.

"Ciel, you can't slam the door.

He was breathing hard. "I'm, allergic, to, cats," he said in between breaths.

"Ciel you could've told me."

"I did!"


"Okay I tried to tell you."

"Do you want it paint something else?"

"No. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." he turned to open the door but, I grabbed his hand.

"Ciel. You need to tell me these things."

"I'm fine." he got his hand free and and entered the room.

I wonder what else he has. I want him to tell me but I'm not sure I want to tell him what's wrong with me. I walked into the classroom and saw Ciel sneezing and his eyes watering. the cat was already in here. I guess he can't be too close to them.

"Ciel? Are you okay?" This boy who was wearing a purple hood asked him.

Ciel didn't answer. Ciel didn't talk at all.

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