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*naruto pov*

I walk back to my house to change before school started all I could think about was sasuke, and what we did then I thought about sakura she would kill me if she ever found out at the same time I didn't care.

*time skip to school*

I walk into the classroom and sit at my seat 5mins later i see sasuke walk in he looks at me and I turn away looking as red as a tomato, I see sakura glaring at me then she stopped as soon as sasuke looked at her, ''sasuke overe here!'' sakura shouts like she wants to break my eardrums on purpose.

''I couldn't find you last night'' I see sasuke break a sweat '' and your door was locked maybe some weirdo was in there'' then she looks at me. I pray she dosen't know anything she's like the queen bee of school she could ruin me. I get up and run to the bathroom before she suspects me

*sasuke pov*

I see naruto get up and run out of the class I ignore it for a bit then get up to go see where he went, my first thought was the boys bathroom. ''naruto what are you doing in here what happend''  ''sasuke we need to stop whatever this is, this is the reason I even dropped out of my last school''.

''what do you mean'' he ask seeming worried

''I was ruined at my last school because of one guy and our relationship, I don't want the same thing to happen here just back off sasuke''

''what no you shouldn't care about what other people think''

''I mean it sasuke!" naruto says almost shouting

he runs out of the bathroom almost tearing up 'tsk dobe'

*naruto pov*

This is all sakura's fault i hate her I wish she didn't have any control over me but i feel so threatend when I look into her eyes, ''n-naruto''
I turn and see hinata ''yes hinata-chan'' ''I noticed you coming out of the boys bathroom crying are you okay'' she says with a worried look.

''its okay just a little drama''

''w-well I was wondering i-if you'd wanna come with after school to my f-favritoe coffe house'' she quickly turns away looking flusterd, I would like to get sasuke and sakura off my mind ''sure id love to'' ''u-u-uh 6:00 DON'T B-Be LATE''she quickly runs off

hinata is adorable but I don't see her that way she'd be just a close friend, ' I don't feel like continuing school' as i walk towards the front of school I see sakura yelling at sasuke, ''I DON'T CARE WERE OVER" she slaps sasuke as stomps off.

I smile in my head and quickly shake it out I change my mind and sneak out the back of the school all I could think about was sasuke.

*time skip 5:49*
*sasuke pov*

I get to my car then see naruto going in the opposite direction of his house so obviously I follow him far behind I see him approach a coffe house, 'the hell he doing here' he walks in and sits in a booth with hinata

I feel a rage boiling up all I could think about killing naruto (not literally) for this dissing me for HER, I want go in there and drag him out  but all I can do is wait to have a nice chat with hinata

*time skip*

I see naruto walking out waving goodbye to hinata when I see him out of sight I walk over to hinata, I get in her veiw "o-oh sasuke" I feel my rage coming back but cooldown

''look hinata stay away from naruto its obvious he dosen't want you i've already claimed him i'd do anything for him anything'', I see I scared her which was good ''o-ok hes y-yours'' she runs of crying ''don't tellhim about this or else'' I yell I walk away feeling like i've just won a battle I can sleep peacefully now knowing she won't step near him ever again well that's what I thought

sorry my lazy ass did make another chapter sooner i've finally done 700 words my goal I hope to make even longer chapters

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