The first day is The Worst Day

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*Naruto pov*

'bring bring'

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blasting in my ear, I tried to zone it out but it wasn't that easy. "I'm up I'm up god", I checked the time and shot straight up. "shit I'm late I need to hurry" I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth as fast as I could, I ran to the closet and got dressed. I ran out the house skipping breakfast.

*at school*
*Sasuke pov*

I was in class staring out the window when I heard a familiar voice I turned around and saw Sakura running towards me," SASUKE-KUN" I felt my ear drums burst, "Hello Sakura" "How is the best boyfriend in the world". Sakura greeted me to the same thing everyday the first time I didn't mind it, but now it felt so used up "Just fine sakura" "Good I wanted to make sure your okay I don't wanna be a nuisance but can I come over". I didn't feel like having company but it was sakura, "Sure sakura-chan" "YAY I'll be over at 6:00 love you bye~~".

I turned my head to see outside a blonde kid I'd never seen before he was running since class was about to start, I was brought back to reality by the loud ring of the bell I saw the dobe at the door of the classroom 'wow he's fast'. "Almost late class listen up this is our newest student, please introduce yourself", "Hi I'm Naruto and I just moved here wanting a new start". He turns his eyes to me but I didn't know why, then he looked like he had a cold or something and turned away 'seems like we got another weirdo'.

*Naruto pov*

I turned my head to see the crow colored hair boy my face suddenly lit up I knew I was blushing and turned my head 'it haven't even been one minute and I'm blushing', "Naruto please go and sit by Sakura, Sakura raise your hand". I saw a pink cherry blossom haired girl raise her hand.

I walked over and sat by Sakura she looked like she was giving me a dirty look, "I see you checking out my man, news flash he isn't gay so back off".

*after class*
*Naruto pov*

I walked out of class to see some girl with a dark lilac hair looking at me "Um hello" I said, she ran up to these two people a guy with a dog and some guy who kinda looked like they were related.

the boy with the dog called me over to them, "Hi I'm kiba this is Neji and Hinata" "I'm Naruto"

"Since your new we'll take the privilege of being your first friends, what did you wanna say to him Hinata"

"W-well um I saw h-how Sakura was staring at you a-and you should stay away from her s-she's really fake and mean that's a-all BYE" She ran away fast away.

"Sorry about her but well see you around bye"

*After school*
*Naruto pov*

It seems like today wasn't so bad but my 3rd period teacher definitely didn't like me, people say the first day is the hardest but mine wasn't so bad I'm gonna enjoy my second day. Then out of nowhere I thought of that boy the raven like boy I think I should stay away from him to say off Sakura's bad side I can't wait for tomorrow.

hi this is my first book and im hoping the first chapter was okay im gonna be doing more tonight when my computer charges up I'm surprised some actually too a look at this well just stay by and wait for the next chapter I have half of it already enjoy

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