✋C h a p t e r 3 6 : H e s i t a n t ✋

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~ T h i r d  P e r s o n ' s  V i e w ~

Sokka was astonished by the news, speechless too, his mouth gaped open 

"y-you? and h-her?" Sokka tilted his head looking at the two reunited love birds 

Katara and Aang slowly nodded looking at the ground in embarrassment 

Sokka pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration 

"WHY? Not that I don't like you Aang but WHY?" Sokka said, disappointment evident in his tone 

Katara sheepishly laughed in her nervous state 

"look Sokka, we made up, Aang is truly sorry, he really is, and yeah..." Katara explained poorly 

"I truely am" Aang said, in his state bowed in front of Sokka 

Sokka rolled his eyes, " no need for that Aang, I just don't know if I can trust you after what you put my sister through " Sokka disapproved 

Katara looked at him with her poisonous glare, " who are you to decide my future? c'mon Aang" Katara had enough and dragged her boyfriend out the room making Sokka turn even madder 

Sokka was so mad, he went after the two and saw them have a private conversation outside and seeing this, snuck behind some bushes and pillars to listen in

" but Sokka-"

"listen its not about him, I'm pretty sure he will agree eventually, now c'mon, lets hang out" Katara said with anger making her brother Sokka's eyebrows furrow 

" who does she think shes dealing with?" Sokka mumbled in anger as the two walked away from the scene 

He was so mad at this point, he decided to  follow them as his senses told him too, he wasn't just going to trust Aang just yet 


After following the two, he obtained information that was very valuable, the two seemed to have a date at 5 which Sokka wasn't going to let off so easily 

He went back into his room and called Suki for assistance of course 

" what is it Sokka?" Suki asked as she picked up 

Sokka sheepishly chuckled at her voice and replied, " nothing much, all but..will you go on a date with me?" Sokka asked

He could feel Suki raise a brow on the other line 

"i mean its so sudden...is it today-"

"yes today!" Sokka said a bit too loud 

"alright, if your in a hurry, where?" Suki said 

Sokka told her where Katara and Aang were going to hang out without mentioning their names just so he could keep a eye on his sister 

" while your at it...were some baggy clothes..."


After the accelerated time was set and Sokka saw his sister go in and out the house, he looked at the time and when Katara rode off with Aang, he took it as his Que to pick up Suki at her house 

Sokka arrived at Suki's house and picked her up and drove her to the place they were going to investigate, well Sokka was going to investigate

After arriving at the allocated place, Sokka got out and opened the car door for Suki, also observing for a familiar car of course 

Sure enough after arrived they saw Aang and Katara and Suki saw them 

"look i didn't know Katara and Aang were here!" Suki pointed 

Sokka then covered her mouth and dragged her to a more private area 

"what was that for?" she said annoyed at Sokka's actions 

"look, I'm sorry for doing that but the reason were here is to spy on them" Sokka explained 

Suki was confused at Sokka's statement

"but you know Aang's a great guy" she asked 

"can you just please help me!!?! i promise i will make it up to you!" Sokka pleaded

Suki looked at her boyfriend and rolled her eyes, " fine, you better take me on another date that doesn't involve spying tho!" Suki lectured

Sokka thanked her majorly and the two sat at a table that was two seats behind Katara and Aang, wearing sunglasses and a hat like the iconic duo they were

"what would you like to order-"

"just water" Sokka said, eyes never leaving his sister and Aang's table 

"me too!" Suki said smiling and handing the menu to the waiter 

The waiter was confused at why they would order just water but nevertheless, complied and went to fill in the order 

Sokka just watched as Aang and Katara laughed at each other's sentences and always avoided eye contact when Katara glanced at his table 

Meanwhile, at their table Katara looked at Aang 

"don't you think that table looks like Suki and Sokka?" Katara pointed 

Aang looked behind himself and saw nothing out of the usual as Sokka laid his head down low 

"ah noo, they don't" Aang said as he looked in the menu 

Katara nodded, maybe she was just paranoid 

After they had dinner however Katara and Aang went out and Sokka and Suki went out 

" Sokka I'm pretty sure you don't have to be paranoid, really" Suki reassured

It fell deaf on Sokka's ears as he just payed attention on the two 

After they went to the car Sokka took that as his plan to speed back home 

"sorry Suki but can you call a uber home please?" he pleaded

"yeah yeah, I better get a good date" Suki said as she kissed Sokka's cheek 

Sokka thanked her before running to his car and stepping on the gas 


After he made it home quickly and without getting s speeding ticket he took a chair from the dinner table and placed it in from of the door and waited for his sister to go back home 

Sure enough after time he heard the door rustle with keys and when the door opened it revealed Katara 

" well well what do we have here?" Sokka asked 

Katara looked at him and rolled her eyes 

" I was with my friends" she made a lie and dropped her bag and took of her shoes

" who were you with really?" Sokka asked again 

Katara just scoffed, " friends"

"i know you were with Aang, i took Suki on a date today and guess who i saw, you!" Sokka pointed 

There was a long pause before it was stopped by a sound of laughter 

Sokka rose a brow at his sisters actions 

"are you sure your not spying because i knew your plan all along!!!" Katara laughed 

Sokka's mouth gaped a little open, he was caught red-handed.

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