💡C h a p t e r 3 4 : I d e a💡

282 6 23

~ T h i r d P e r s o n ' s V i e w ~

3 W e e k s  L a t e r~

"your dumb" Toph flicked Aang's forehead in disgust

Aang cupped his bleeding forehead in awe, it hurt like always

"she seriously ain't going to fall for that" Toph picked her teeth as she reasoned, her signature position on the chair like always

Aang slumped his head on the desk making a light thud

"I'm out of ideas, I'll admit" Aang rose his hand up to surrender

Toph smiled in victory

"finally, you stubborn airhead!" she hit Aang's head in frustration

Aang covered his head but it didn't stop the pain from bleeding out

" set the scene after dinner when the sunset hits, bird flying here and there!" Toph waved her arms in the demonstration

Aang watched and took notes in his mini notebook, the size of his palms

" thanks Toph!" Aang chimed happily as Toph finished her blattering lesson

. . .

Aang held in a deep breath as he knocked on the door

The door after a few seconds clicked and opened to reveal the dazzling girl he hoped for

"huh? what are you doing here?" Katara stood there shocked and fixed her appearance

Aang gulped and revised what Toph told him

"I'm having trouble choosing what I want to do and I couldn't think of a better person to help me so...do you want to hang out...A-AS FRIENDS OF COURSE!!!" Aang rubbed his neck from the tension

Katara looked at him a bit puzzled at first but it clicked and she nodded

"you want to hang out later or now?" Katara successfully manage to murmur

"later, maybe dinner? as friends of course!" Aang called, friend rolling of his tongue unnaturally to Katara

Katara nodded sheepishly

"love that, anyway I need to go!" Katara smiled brightly, needing as much time to get ready, although not knowing why her urge screamed at her to do it

Aang smiled at his mission accomplished and waved before walking away getting the door slowly shut

. . .

Katara walked up to her room and passed Sokka nervously and Sokka suspicious level rose and he quietly observed his sister's movements

"mom and dad are coming home late" Sokka called as he jogged down stairs, forgetting his thoughts

Katara gave a thumbs up and went in her room

She went through her closet and contacted Suki and Toph in the group call,

she need all the help she could get

. . .

Katara looked in the mirror and worried

" this better not be formal"

she mumbled before grabbing her small petite bag that was essential

~ H e r O u t f I t ~

Katara peeked out her room, glad her brother wasn't roaming the halls and sneaky walked to the door

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Katara peeked out her room, glad her brother wasn't roaming the halls and sneaky walked to the door

She realised her mother and father would be home soon, but she was just out with a friend so it wasn't a big of a deal...right?

Katara breathed in and out and walked out the house

She saw a familiar car and smiled when she saw Aang

she went in after hearing the sound of a click and stared at Aang in the awkward silence, finding the right words

"um...i didn't know you were actually going to drive me haha" Katara nervously murmured

Aang chuckled and leaned in closer to Katara, the action making her unsettled

He zipped her seat belt and then focused on the road

Katara collected herself, gulping as she rethought the events that just hit her...again

. . .

"here Katara" Aang pulled the seat for Katara, she smiled in reply and the two both sat down

The two observed the menu and after filling in their orders Katara fiddled with her fingers, pondering whether to start the conversation as she intended too

"um...so what are your options?" Katara awkwardly made out

Aang looked at her and collected himself

"I want a job that helps people, making a difference you know" Aang made out

Katara nodded, thinking of the options

"you wouldn't want to arrest people? your kind-hearted right?" Katara asked

Aang nodded, " well I don't want to see the bad side of people...if that gives you an idea" Aang said

Katara thought for a moment and came up with a situation

"how about being a fire fighter? helps a ton!" Katara emphasised

Aang smiled and nodded, " that sounds like a great idea" Aang smiled, remembering his conversation with Zuko in the recount

They was silence

"well what so you want to be?" Aang asked like a preschool teacher

Katara tucked some hair behind her ear

"I want to become a doctor, I always admired their work and I want to make a difference like you" Katara smiled warmly

"you made it in did you?" Aang smirked

Katara nodded, " on the way to become one, dream come true, it's a lot of work but I believe in myself" Katara said determined

Aang admired her to determine that shined in her eyes

"I believe you can Katara!" Aang said with hi thumbs up

As he mimicked those actions the waiter gave their orders and the two somehow throughout the whole thing and didn't manage to be awkward

. . .

"well i hope you know what you want to be" Katara teased as they exited the place

Aang rubbed his neck, it had been a few weeks after their kiss and he couldn't just forget it

"hey Katara...there also another reason I called you here" Aang said as he stood in front of the blue eyed girl

"well what is it?" Katara asked obviously

"well i don't want to...

be friends anymore" Aang said as he looked at his feet

Katara's eyes widened then soften as she opened her mouth to reply with two words and two words only...

Choices By LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora