🩹C h a p t e r 1 4 : I t H u r t s🩹

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~ T h i r d  P e r s o n ' s  V i e w ~
"Zuko?" Katara sniffed and forced her eyes more

"Why are you crying?" Zuko kneeled closer to Katara as he tried to comfort her

"It's hurts " Katara said pointing at her chest, signalling her heart was broken

"Wait did you get hurt? Are you bleeding? Where?" Zuko panicked as she did that, he didn't seem to understand her yet...

"Someone broke it..." Katara said sobbing more and more

Zuko understood, "don't tell me..." he mumbled as he knew already

"You know what I need to get it of my chest" Katara continued not listening to Zuko

"I said don't tell me" Zuko mumbled quieter than the last

"It's Aang, I like him" Katara said out loud tagt Zuko heard loud and clear

Zuko's eyes widened and looked down frowning in sadness

"I said don't tell me..." he said looking down

"I like him but he doesn't like me back, I think he likes someone else" Katara let out

Zuko sighed, " I sure he likes you, just don't cry anymore it make you look ugly"
Zuko wiped the tears off Katara , cupping her cheeks

" c'mom the others are waiting to play truth or dare, suck it up buttercup" Zuko said getting up frowning, putting his hands in his pocket

Zuko didn't want to admit it but inside he really did like Katara but she broke his heart, she was right it did hurt bad...

Katara got up after a few seconds of thinking and the two went back to the camp spot where the game was held

" where were you Katara I was so worried haven't you heard the story of the forest you wondered in?" Suki attacked Katara into a hug after not seeing her the whole day

"I- I'm fine" Katara said glancing at Zuko after what he did to comfort her

" good, Meng is catching up with something so let's start!" Sokka interrupted the reunion, getting in the middle of the two

"Okay let's start-"

" hey Katara we need to talk" Aang interrupted Katara huffing and puffing like he ran a marathon

" oh...okay sure" Katara got up before glancing back to Zuko and thanking him and wishing everything goes well

Katara followed Aang in the awkward long walk until they settled at a spot to "talk"

" so what do you want to talk about Aang" Katara played with her fingers being nervous

" well..." Aang said rubbing his neck

Katara couldn't hold it in anymore looking at his face

"You know what I have something to say that might ruin our friendship okay?" Katara yelled

Aang was stunned but stayed quiet and listened

"Look I like you but you don't like me back so stop making my heart flutter okay? I know you like Meng so stop playing with my feelings!" Katara said quickly and yelling

Katara was about to leave without a response from Aang until Aang grabbed her wrist and turned her around

"I don't like Meng...the person I like-"

" hey there you two are! You worried me" Toph shouted in the distance

Katara rolled her eyes

" sorry Aang maybe later" Katara said waving and running to Toph

Aang sighed, " I like you Katara" Aang mumbled

. . .

After the morning of the second day of camp arrived everyone met at their assigned meet up spot

" so you confessed?" Toph said chuckling

" well you interrupted us so I didn't get a response" Katara scoffed

" well I wish I didn't but it was kinda getting late and energy died because you weren't there" Toph nudged Katara

Katara sighed and looked at Aang and frowned

" hey cheer up you will get the response soon, I know it " Toph said rolling her eyes because of the " Oogies"

" well thanks for that comment sure made me feel better, anyways we have to do camp activities" Katara pointed out

Toph just nodded

They both stopped all of a sudden because of Katara

A  notification had just hit Katara's phone and beamed in her pocket

"Who is it?" Toph scoffed walking with Katara

" Meng, want me to meet with her later after actives " Katara said getting out her phone and reading the Message to Toph

. . .

" no they haven't found out I was from the southern tribe yet, don't worry" Katara said reassuring her parents

" okay bye" Katara ended her call with her parents

" who was that?" Meng said scaring Katara

" shoot how much did you hear?" Katara's eyes widened

" your from the southern tribe?" Meng questioned

" yeah...please don't tell anyone" Katara admitted

" you shouldn't be ashamed, look I won't tell anyone" Meng reassured Katara

Katara smiled brightly

" hey how about we get a drink, I feel like this is going to take long" Meng offered brightly

Katara smiled

" sure"

. . .

After getting drink they sat down on the bench alone

" I hate it when people bully it really annoying" Meng played with her fingers

Katara smiled and looked at her hands

" hey what wrong with your hands?" Katara observed Meng' s hand

" oh that..." Meng frowned

Katara frowned as well and patted her shoulder

" hey, if something is up you can tell me anything like you said I won't judge" Katara smiled holding her pinky out

Meng smiled as well and did the pinky promise

" well my grandma hits me when I don't do things right, and when I wash my hands it means that I am trying to get the stress out and it makes my hands bad" Meng explained scathing herself

Katara understood and grabbed her worst to stop the scathing

" I'm sorry what happened to your- never mind have you considered to tell anyone else that can help you better than...me?" Katara tried to support Meng the best she could

" well yeah soon don't worry about it" Meng shrugged it off

" so why did you want to meet up Meng?" Katara asked

"So what's up" Katara said changing the same question up

" your close with Zuko right?" Meng asked innocently

" yeah we're " close" friends" Katara gestured

" good, you two are good together, anyway" Meng said snapping out of her thoughts

" well, I have been meaning to tell you sooner and since I consider us very close I want to let it out
I like Aang" Meng said playing with her fingers

Katara was stunned...

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