🛫C h a p t e r 2 7 : D e p a r t u r e🛫

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~ T h i r d  P e r s o n ' s  V i e w ~ 

They hurried to the airport, saving every second, Aang showered Katara with warmth the whole journey there, from his house to the airport, but heck Katara needed more if it was too much to ask from her view 

Aang looked at Katara's shaking hand and cupped it in the moving taxi that rode to hell 

"look, I will be back...it's not the end, just hope my father gets better" Aang tried to comfort his lover 

Katara observed his glowing grey orbs for it might be the last time she did and nodded slowly 

" I hope so, or I will pray on that actually" Katara made her mind up and prayed in her mind 

Aang looked back into her watery eyes and kiss her lips while they drive to the airport with his package, the kiss lasting forever 

. . . 

Aang walked to the entrance of the gate that leads to the departure and Katara frowned at just the look of the signs

The whole way, there was silence, they just enjoyed each other's company in silence for their departure was near and they hated that 

"how long?" Katara asked

"I'm not sure, maybe a week at most" Aang smiled

"just keep in touch" Katara hugged Aang tightly 

Although it would be days he said, Katara felt it wasn't just going to be days, maybe months in her POV, it was impossible he will return in a few days 

"of course, I wouldn't want a day without your sunshine" Aang replied 

Katara smiled at such poetry made up on the spot 

"I really love you sweetie" she said sadly, tears falling down her soft cheeks slowly 

Aang smiled and stayed strong and stroked her cheek after parting from the hug 

Aang kissed Katara in an everlasting lust 

After Aang gathered his suitcase with a tight grip 

Aang frowned when he heard the announcement that parted them two

"I'm sorry, I love you" Aang said in their last kiss on the lips 

"me too, I love you" Katara kissed back, melting in the embrace

After the kiss, Aang waved and walked away and Katara watched in awe as every step was a crack to the heart

As Aang turned back at the entrance he frowned and waved before he was out of sight 

Katara couldn't hold in the tears and fell to the floor sobbing, her surrounding blurring 

"KATARA!" a familiar voice rang in her ears 

Katara by now, was unbothered by such noise but as it came to her embrace she melted 

"I came as soon as I could, I'm so sorry, Aang will return before you know it, I know so" the familiar Zuko explained

Katara nodded in the words of kindness

"I hope so, I really do" she replied in between tears 

Zuko was saddened, what happen to the girl he knew? this girl has completely changed in a blink of an eye and he hated that, he trade the world for her even with his life, he was in love, forbidden love   

. . .

On the other hand, Aang arrived on the first-class seats wishing he trade everything for a seat with Katara 

Aang's eyes now with tears as his decision burned through his skin 

He felt droplets of warm liquid occupied his cheeks

For the first time since he was a baby or toddler, he cried 

He sobbed in his arms but it later turned into a flood as he poured his heart, he knew this case was serious and for the first time he could let his pain he felt throughout the years flow out, it was relieving but so painful to do

Crying is a way to cleanse the heart...

Aang was lying, he could stay in his father's land if his condition worsened 

All he could do is hope 

. . .

"c'mon eat please" Zuko gestured 

Katara stared blankly at the food, scarred from the past events that rang through her head

"when do you think he would be back...days....weeks...months...or even years" Katara said tearing up 

Zuko frowned, he hated her like this, the weak image that stood in front of him, make him think about things he didn't want to be in 

Zuko stood up from his seat and aided Katara with hugs so she could at least feel reassured 

"thanks, you're a great friend Zuko, oh how I am lucky" Katara frowned 

. . .

"do you really hate me? or the new brother thing?" Sokka noticed his sister's gloomy face 

"u-uh n-no" Katara said snapping out of her thoughts 

"hey, something is up, look I am your brother spill" Sokka said coming close to her sister 

"o-oh Sokka, A-aang, h-he l-left" Katara said breaking down again 

Sokka frowned

"he left you? what happened?" Sokka said worried and a bit angry

. . .

"how could he leave my sister heartbroken like this, he doesn't even know how long he would be there" Sokka said cupping his sister 

"well, it's for his father, I understand" Katara dyed down her tears  

"Please, don't cry " Sokka patted Katara's back

Katara at this point, could not feel warmth, her world was dull but for how long? How long could she suffer?

. . .

"AANG'S GONE?" Meng exclaimed, banging the table in shock  

"well yeah...he went to his sick father" Katara explained

"c'mon cheer up sugar queen, he will be back before you know it" Toph picked her teeth 

why does everyone tell me that...Katara thought 

"well i guess" Meng tried to make out

"really warming" Suki commented 

Meng just turned her head 

Suki looked at her broken friend 

"I know you won't believe me but he will come back, I believe so" Suki hugged her friend 

"thanks, but guys...i really a-am f-f-fine, I can deal with this on my own" Katara tried to manage to mouth those lying words

Her friends all gave disappointing looks and it plastered on each face 

"well are all here for you, just one ring away, if you want to cry on a shoulder, we are here..." Suki explained

"not to mention, we can make you crack up" Toph added with a chuckle 

"a tissue every time" Meng said smiling 

"and fun places, to explore" Sokka said 

"and food?" Zuko tried to add on 

Katara giggled 

I such great friends she thought...

"thanks you guys"

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