
****-dont be stupid.leave.


danielle-come on.*she grabbed my arm and i just stared at the old woman.she knows a lot about me.*

brea-this isnt over.*out of nowhere i hear my name being called.i turned around to see some tall guy that looks like he hasnt showered in 5 years.his clothes were torn,his face was covered in hair and he was really scary looking.he looked at me and yelled my name while smiling.his teeth were yellow and broken.danielle pulled me closer to her.*how do you know my name?

******-youve been mine ever since you were in diapers.

brea-im not yours.

danielle-get in the car erica.*i looked at her and followed her orders.the guy moved closer to the car and she pushed him away.*you stay away from her.*she walked over to the drivers side and got in.she pulled onto the road and drove off as fast as she could.*he gave me the creeps.dont go back there.

brea-i need to see her.

danielle-not when hes there.dont lets just leave it alone.please.i dont see any type of good in that.

brea-fine.ill leave it.*ill leave it for now.i need to know what shes not telling me.what did she do to me?*

brian pov

brian-*my dad dropped me off at prodigy house.i knocked on the door and christian answered the door.*sup man.*we gave each other dap and he let me in.i walked to the kitchen and grabbed a always here so his parents dont mind.i turned around and some girl was walking out of the door.he followed her so i went to see what they were talking about cause im nosy.when i saw the girl face i knew she was one of the hottest girls in school.her name is felicia.*

 felicia-i had fun last night.too bad your parents were home.

christian-yea,you was a good sport.*she smiled and kissed him.*see you later.

felicia-bye.*she opened the door and walked out of the house.he turned to me and crossed his arms over his chest.i just smiled and sipped my water.*

brian-you hit?

christian-none of your business.*i gave him the look and he smiled.*yea.last night.dont tell the guys big mouth.

brian-i wont.*he walked over to the couch and i followed.he sat on the sofa and i sat on the loveseat.*how did it happen?

christian-she came over.we talked while my parents were up and when they went to sleep i made a move on her and it happened.

brian-nice caught her on a sneak jawn.*he shook his head.*

christian-naw she was ready and i was just would do the same if you had a girl.

brian-i aint find a girl thats caught my attention.

christian-i got one for you.she sexy as shit.

brian-ard hook it up.

christian-got you.wait what about brittany?

brian-she not gonna go out with me again.

christian-yall was a good couple.

brian-i know.but hook me up with that other girl.

christian-got you bro.*chris is the best wing man in the world.he know just what to say to girls and hes faaithful so he keep his girls for as long as he wants them.we sat on the couch and watched tv.then we heard a knock at the door.he got the door and this really cute girl came in with felicia.*hey baby.*he kissed felicia on the cheek.the other girl walked over and sat next to me.*

****-hi im amy.

brian-brian.*we shook hands and she smiled.she had a pretty smile.*i like your smile.

amy-thank you.*she looked down and smiled.i pulled her chin to look at me and she smiled bigger.*

brian-your really cute when you do that.*she giggled and looked down.i stopped complimenting her because she would just smile harder which i liked.i dont like girls that cant smile or would rather fight with me.we talked and i really like her.we have a lot in common and shes really its 8 and i have to get home.*look its been real but i need to get home.chris can you give me a ride?

amy-i can drive you.

brian-how old are you?

amy-17. 16.

amy-you look older.

brian-i waiting for my car but my mom wont let me get one until im 17.

amy-that sucks.come on.*she grabbed my hand and we walked to her car.i gave her the directions to my house.*i had fun tonight.

brian-i did too.thanks for the ride.

amy-of course.*i bent over and kissed her cheek.she smiled and looked down.*

brian-you really are cute when you do that.

amy-bye brian.

brian-good night amy.*i got out of her car and walked to my house.i opened the door and saw my dad laying on the couch.*hey dad wheres mom?

roc royal-in our room.i dont think she knows im home so ill get up there eventually.*i shook my head and walked upstairs to my room.i took all of my clothes off and left on my boxers.i got in bed and watched tv thinking about amy.she is a sexy girl though.*

thats brian>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

Try:A Roc Royal Love Story(sequel to smile)Where stories live. Discover now