"Is this true?" The pen leader's voice was even harder. It wasn't loud but it was threatening. Arnie felt the power behind those words and didn't think Stickler would be able to stop himself from answering.

"Yes." he said, his voice was strained. "It is true." The pen leader glared at him, looking dangerous. As though unable to bear his glaring eyes Stickler started talking again. His voice was faster, more panicked sounding than Arnie had ever heard it.

"For too long we were under the hands and feet of the pens and pencils. Unequal. Treated like slaves. We had had enough. The time came to rise up and take control. No longer would we be..."

"ENOUGH!" The pen leader roared. His voice reverberated around the room. Stickler physically moved back, colliding with Arnie, and the room went silent.

"Take him to the cells and do not let him go anywhere." Four pens appeared. They were all of the permanent marker variety – two blue and two red. They grabbed stickler and dragged him towards a door. The pen leader looked at Arnie and Isabelle in turn. He sounded sad when he spoke.

"It seems we have been fighting the wrong enemy. We have been fighting a pointless and futile war. There have been unneccesary casulties. It has been a time of great suffering and hardship at the hands of this treachery. We must make it right."

Isabelle spoke. "Aye, I can't believe it." she sounded sad as well. "I have participated thinking that pencils were the crushing force. And all this time the pencils have thought the same of you. What should we do?"

It was Arnie's turn to talk again. He had been involed for the least amount of time and thought he may see the way more clearly because of this.

"The answer is simple I think. We must re-ally the pens and the pencils. Then, as allies, we must march on the stronghold of the paintbrushes and get some answers. More war is not the answer if it can be avoided. But we must make it so it can't happen again."

"Let's go" The pen leader rose from his chair. Immediately pens gathered around him in a guard formation and others fell in behind. He waved some aside. "Arnold, Isabelle. We are all friends here. Walk with me." Isabelle caught Arnie's eye and the playful smile she had worn while helping him up outside returned for a fleeting moment. Once again he felt his stomach flip.

They walked side by side, followed by an array of pens, through the hallway and back out to the village. Arnie looked towards the gate and then out to the hill. The gate guards were still there, and he was relieved to see his pencil soldiers holding their position at the top of the hill. They looked restless and he wondered how long it would have been before they would have attacked.

The pen leader walked towards the gate. As the soldiers at the gate noticed him, they stood taller and straighter but held their positions. When they got close enough he stopped and addressed them all.

"My soldiers you have done well!" His voice rang out across the clearing. Arnie thought the pencils may even be hearing it. "It is my sad duty today to tell you that we have been deceived. We have been misled. And now it is time to make it right!" Despite the ringing voice his tone was gentle as he explained in brief what had happened.

"Stand down your guard and prepare a feast."

"Arnold, bring your soldiers down to share food with us. We will march to their leader tomorrow and join ourselves together. The old friendship shall be reborn, old bonds reforged."

Arnie left through the gate and jogged to the top of the hill. Alagog and Flimgog ran to him. "Arnold, what news? We were worried you had been taken!"

"Worry no more Flimgog, Alagog. The story's out. We are invited to eat and stay the night. Tomorrow we'll march homewards to tell the Pencils. Let's go down."

As they made their way into the village, Arnie felt the tension in the air between then pens and the pencils. The air was thick with it. Their entire lives they had been taught that each was an enemy. It would not be undone with a few words and a few minutes.

Arnie sat in silent thought, stealing an occasional glance at Isabelle who sat with the pen leader. At one point she caught his eye and he looked away, embarrased, as his stomach somersaulted again. He felt his face flush.

As the food and drinks flowed, the atmosphere improved. He noticed some pens and pencils began talking, cautiously at first and then more easily.

He closed his eyes and listened to the sounds around him. The high pitched voices, growing ever merrier. He thought again of all he had seen and experienced. He wondered once more how much time had passed since he arrived in this strange world. When he finally opened his eyes he recoiled in shock. Isabelle had sat down in front of him and was looking at him with that slight smile upon her face. His stomach flipped yet again.

"Looks like the next few days are going to be interesting, don't you think?" Her voice was light, almost joking.

"Seems so." he said.

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