One of "those" nights

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Tonight was one of "those" nights for Sakura. One of those /rare/ nights, I might add.

After putting Sarada to bed, Sakura walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water but was startled by a uninvited hawk on her window sill.


The pink haired Uchiha quietly approached the hawk, having a hint of who this bird might be from.

Seeing the note hanging from its mouth, Sakura took a deep breathe to prepare herself but she made it quick and took the small piece of paper from the hawk.

Bell test field.'

The note read, simple and short. Just like Sasuke always spoke.

A blessing and a curse, Sakura thought.

And despite her slight annoyance toward her husband, Sakura immediately left her house and rushed forward to her destination.

"Shanarro, my husband. Always worrying me like this."

The green eyed woman exclaimed while kicking up some dust.

Sakura was at the field in under five minutes.

"Darling?" The worried wife called out.


It came out as a mere whisper but Sakura had heard it anyway and ran to his side.

As she approached her husband she noticed blood stains from his left side and immediately reached out to it.

And normally Sasuke would pull away and be skeptical of their intentions, but this was different. Sakura was his wife, whom he trusted more than himself.

So just like in their genin days, Sasuke stood still as Sakura used her gentle hands to heal him.

"What happened?"

Sakura asked, well more like demanded, as she finished up healing his wounds.

"A few missteps in a mission. Nothing to worry over."

Sakura's eyes were still filled worry, Sasuke noticed. But she just nodded her head and smiled at him.

"Thank you, Sakura."

"Think nothing of it.Just be more careful out there, yeah?"

Sakura said gently.


Sasuke responded plainly, at which Sakura giggled a bit.

The raven haired man looked at his wife, confused at what caused her amusement.

"Sorry Darling, it's just that sometimes I notice how much time it's been since we were genin yet, you still say and do the same things." Sakura said lovingly.

"Ah, yeah."

Sasuke said while he looked out towards the field.

He remembers running around here as a genin.

He was always so stubborn and rude back then, a determined child he was.

Though his cold exterior made it hard to get through to him, team seven managed to make him feel like a kid again, even if it was only for a few moments. And thankfully, he can appreciate that now.

But unfortunately, his young and clouded mind chose a darker road and caused the ones he considered dear to him pain.

He frowned at the thought and suddenly he found himself wanting to apologize again.

But his wife beat him too it, noticing his discomfort.

"We've come so far, Darling. Our journey might've not been the smoothest but we made it. And now we have you to protect us, the village and I are eternally grateful." She said as she took his calloused hand in her softer one.

Sasuke found himself relaxing at that but he was still a little tense.

Why was someone like him, a person who only knew a lonely existence for so long, receiving so much love from a person whom he had betrayed? He thought when he betrayed the leaf and killed Itachi there was no one left to love him, that he was unlovable.

"'s the least I could do though, Sakura." Sasuke said a bit sternly in an attempt to hide the sadness and regret behind it.

But Sakura knew better than that.

"Y'know, no one is truly unlovable, Sasuke." Sakura said suddenly.

"Hm?" The taller Uchiha raised a brow at his wife.

"Well I thought about it and no one is truly unlovable. Us humans were made to love, whether it is to give and receive love to only one person our whole life or to many, be it platonically or romantically, we will all love someone unconditionally and we are given this feeling to share the ecstasy and pain that comes with it. And time and time again, I chose to share it with you, Sasuke."

Sakura finished with a gentle squeeze to his hand before she started to blush in embarrassment.

'Damn you, Naruto. I'm starting to sound like you!' Sakura thought.

Sasuke took a minute to process his wife's words carefully before squeezing her hand back.

Sasuke looked into the same emerald eyes which cried over him and loved him for years and said

"and I with you, Sakura."

Smiling at her husband yet again, Sakura let a couple tears fall.

"You still do the same things too."

Sasuke whispered.


Sakura asked through her sniffles.

"Nothing. Thank you again, Sakura"

He said affectionately.

Sakura just gave him a closed eyed smile and gently layed her head against his arm.

They then fell into a comfortable silence while they watched the still field, reminiscing their youthful days.

"Those" nights, though they worried her sick and made her dread Sasuke's departure again, were slowly becoming her one favorite moments, only second to spending time with her daughter.

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