Part 59 - The Devil would be scared

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All light evacuated the room leaving nothing. There was no noise other than the groups shaking breathes and frightened voices. They all tried to light their wands but it was no use nothing appeared even though they felt the spell working. "Who's there!" Demanded Mason only to get a low chuckle from an unidentifiable location in the room, it seemed to be everywhere and no where at the same time. "You should know by now that no one messes with my family", the voice spoke not helping the fear spreading throughout the ice cold room.

The group began to frantically search for someone but once again came up with nothing, Madison checked the seats that once held Luna and Bella only to find them empty. This fact alone made the hairs on her neck stand on end, she could now think of one person who could be in here with them but if she was correct, that fact only made her more terrified. Light flooded the room in the form of two bright white orbs, they didn't loose their light but they did fade into an illuminated green which were all too familiar. "H-Hadrian?", she called out into the room directly towards the light. The figure smirked and the bright eyes began to glow less as more light flooded the room, the group could now see as usual but were regretting their decisions greatly.

There stood Hadrian Black, the boy who had been mistreated by his family only to be adopted not only by two caring godfathers but by two ethereal beings, unfortunately the group hadn't known the second one. His emerald eyes glowed with power as he stood proudly with dark neko features on show. Despite the looks he possessed everyone seemed to know he radiated power and danger, everyone that is except an extremely entitled vampire, who 'knew' he could 'control' him. "Oh it's just you! You scared us! What's wrong with you we are your friends and you should be submitting to my will, I'll help you, remember?!". That did it two beautiful, ethereal like, white fiery wings erupted from his back effortlessly silencing the room "I tried to warn you but you seem to be too thick to understand. I don't belong to you and I never will! Especially now that you tortured my family and have the audacity or maybe just such stupidity to then stand in my way!", his hands began to glow with emerald green flames "You have no idea the power I posses but you will". With those words the room fell back into darkness leaving the group having where they stood unable to move or function.

* Hadrian's POV *
I contained my anger and apperated into the common room, exactly where I had sent the girls. Upon arrival they both hugged me tight followed by Tom, I smiled and returned the constricting hug. "So we need a new plan but it's safe to say they are quite terrified of me", I smirked as the group stood confused except for the girls who laughed. "I'm surprised you held your magic in, I wanted to rip them apart too bad they had magical restraints and my daggers", Luna commented before grumbling towards the end. I just rolled my eyes "I wanted it to be a surprise when we all take them down, we have to let them think they have somewhat of a chance after all, or it's no fun. As for the daggers I'm insulted you think I would leave my own magic behind", with that I gave Bella and Luna their daggers back receiving wide smiles."I think you'll also find that they have a few new upgrades to figure out", the two immediately began looking for any physical change eagerly.

We all sat down around the fire as we told each other about our individual days, it was funny to think we only lasted a day before wanting to kill them. We then decided that it would be a good idea to plan raids anyway and just be ready for the inevitable fight the  light groupies would try, in attempts to stop us. That's how we planned our first ever attack on Hogsmead after all it had to be a public location to make sure that everyone would know who we were. It would be at this raid that our group would be announced along with our aliases and if everything went well we would finally show how outnumbered they truly were.

- Time Skip - Day of the Raid -

* Hadrian's POV *
We all woke up as usual, we had to make it look like a normal day. Over the last few days we had planned everything out and collected all of the necessary items, we gave the followers masks so that they wouldn't be recognised and some of the older followers even changed their heights and hair colour. It made sure that we would be hard to recognise but Dumbledore would probably figure it out however with no proof of his claims what could he do.

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