Part 48 - A Duel and ...

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* Hadrian's POV *
I opened my eyes to see I was in Tom's arms as he walked "Morning sleepy, it's time for DADA", I stood and moved to hold his hand sleepily with a nod as we arrived. Sirius and Remus smiled but then their features dropped as they gestured to the corner where a woman in all pink stood, "She's from the ministry, apparently she's going to be in all of your classes, supposed to be judging the teachers skills". I nodded they clearly didn't approve and I could see why the woman looked as though she had been hit by a pink colour bomb on the way over.

We all stood in the corner of the classroom as usual ready for today's duelling session, Sirius chose me to help him show stances which we were taught last week. However when I was on the stage miss pink decided to speak up "Perhaps it would be more appropriate if Mr Potter duelled someone who also knows the duelling stances. Any volunteers?", she scanned the room, only Tom and the group had their arms in the air, when Mason raised his. I looked over to Tom when pinkie chose Mason he smirked as the twins motioned their thumbs across their necks in a line. Mason calmly walked to stand opposite me, Sirius told us to begin so we walked closer and bowed, before turning and holding our wands out ready.

I didn't want to give him the advantage and waited for him to strike first, he did and fired a leg locking jinx. Boring. I blocked the spell with a flick of my wand, I thought he would be stronger if he's part of Dumbledore's plan. I decided to rest it and sent a strong stinging jinx, unfortunately I couldn't use dark spells with the toad woman watching. He just managed to block it, stumbling slightly with wide eyes. Once he got back into position he winked and sent another spell, I rolled my eyes and cast it back at him. It seemed to be getting on his nerves as he increased his speed and the strength of the spells he sent, but I'd seen his pattern and he tended to forget to block once he'd sent a few spells in a row. Taking this in mind I let him fire spell after spell, I have to admit he could keep up with speed but he's weakness was blocking. He was about to fire another spell when suddenly I sent a leg locking and stinging jinx at him, he didn't have time to block but he had sent his spell already they collided in the middle of the stage and illuminated the room. My green spell was winning over whatever his blue spell was when he began to push further, I smirked and fed my spell more power to punch it back to him. I looked in his eyes as his smirk fell and turned into a scowl before pushing his spell.

It looked as though we were drawing with the spells floating in the middle of us but his eyes flashed red before he pushed it closer to me. It looked as though he was growing tired so I gave more strength to the point where I felt my eyes glow green, his red eyes faded back to brown as both spells hit him and he fell to the floor. His chest rising up and down quickly told everyone he was still alive. I calmly walked over to stand over him he raised an eyebrow I just smirked and walked over to Tom as Remus reversed the jinx's.

At lunch they were walking to the hall when they saw kids crowding the tree in the court yard, interested they ask around to see what's going on. A first year says it's the new kids as the crowd finally moved slightly giving them a glimpse of the kids with Albus and Lilian.

Tom took Orcus from around his neck after whispering to him and placing him around hades neck with a kiss to his forehead. The new twins approached with Lilian and Albus, Tom moved to relax his arm around Hades shoulders with the twins backing them up whilst Barty held Luna and bella back. Mason turns to Hadrian "good to finally meet Albus and Lilians brother", hades scowled he tried to reach down for hades hand to plant a kiss in pureblood manners when tom whistled and Orcus snapped just in front of his face the whole group stepped back as Madison pulled her brother with wide eyes.Tom smirked as Albus and Lilian went on about how you weren't allowed snakes and walked away with Mason looking at a smiling hades.

* Hadrian's POV *
That night after dinner in the great hall we all walked back to the common room. Tom, Fred,George and Barty were all in front talking about something or other, meanwhile I walked with Bella and Luna laughing at jokes and thinking of new ideas. "We could always hang James up by his ankles", Bella smirked "he'd turn red and start yelling not that he could do anything about it but it would be hilarious", Luna added with a smile and an eyebrow lift. I just shook my head gently and continued to laugh at random jokes until we reached the common room.

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