Gulf: I could see the laughter in his eyes as he brings his lips to my forehead before whispering. "All jokes aside though, if this is really something you don't want to do than that's okay I can do it by myself. I won't make you do something you dont want to do."

I had my eyes closed and I could feel his breath against my skin but I knew that I didn't want him to go through this alone and even though I knew this could end up in punishment I would still do it because Gulf is the one that asked me to and I would much rather prefer it if they stopped being awkward with each other.

Mew: Barely a whisper as I gently hold onto the edges of his shirt. "I'll help you."

Gulf: "You sure?"

Mew: I just opened my eyes and gazed up at him with a small smile. "Positive."

Gulf: He let out a sigh of relief before whispering. "Thank you."

Mew: Now that I knew this was going to happen after all I slightly pull away and hold my hands together in front of me. "Okay so, the plan. Am I the one distracting him or is it going to be you?"

Gulf: Now his face was scrunched in concentration as he stares at the front door. "I do think you being the one distracting him would be our best chance because I don't want you to chicken out at the last second and blow our cover."

Mew: I couldnt help but smile at his words. "That does sound like something I would do but what about after that? You never really told me what we would be specifically doing to him."

Gulf: He had dancing mischief in his eyes and it scared me a little bit. "Basically we just tease him until he cant take it anymore."

Mew: "And what you mean by that is basically tease him until he looses it and fucks you to death."

Gulf: He was in the middle of putting the left overs in the fridge when he stops to give me a grin. "Yea pretty much."

Seriously Mew what did you get yourself into...


Mew: I couldn't help but splash the water around me as the coolness soaks into my skin. "Is there a reason I also had to take a bath?"

Gulf: He just rolls his eyes and grabs my leg before pulling it out of the water and resting it on his thigh so he could wash it for me, just like he has been with everything else on my body. "Of course, if were all gonna do anything tonight than I think it would be best to wash you and get you prepped for later."

Mew: "But I didn't have any intention of having sex tonight, you said you needed my help to get him to be rough again and I can do that but I think it's going to take all night so in reality it would be best if you two took care of it and I can just watch."

Gulf: He was just staring at me silently and it made me feel jumpy. "Isn't that what made you say the safe word last time though? You got jealous when it was just the two of us together."

Mew: "No that's not why I got jealous, I was jealous because the entire time he was punishing us I really wanted him to ram me with his dick and he didnt and than he does it to you while you were rubbing yours against mine and I lost it. Don't fuck with my lust and I won't get jealous."

Gulf: At first I thought he was going to say that I was stupid but he slowly starts to laugh before splashing water at me. "Your cute but I still think we should prep you just in case. Who knows how tonight is going to go."

Mew: Now I felt like pouting because he doesn't seem to believe me when I say I wanna watch, there both really hot and it turns me on just as much when I watch them be together. I mean I almost did that the day he was punished in the office but I cant tell him that... "But Gulfff..."

Truth or Dare ~ A One Shot Short Story ~ (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now