Part 1

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**Mew's POV**

It was around 8 o'clock right now and all I could do was stare at the guy sitting across from me. Everyone was getting off of work at the office and one of my coworkers suggested we celebrate the fact that one of our partner company's renewed there contracts. At this point everyone was probably 4 or 5 drinks in and the music sounded mellow.

Now that everyone was either chilling around the sitting area or the floor it was easy to pay attention to my coworker that I've liked for almost 6 years now. His name is Gulf and he is one of the top marketing employees that our company has. Than again there is also this new guy that is fairly attractive and kind when you get to know him. Which is also the owner of the house everyone is currently in.

Tul: Oh there he is too.. With a broad smile he comes over to me with a drink in his hand. "Hey Mew, how are you liking the party?"

Mew: I could feel a pair of eyes on me but I was too distracted with the man in front of me to care too much. "It's better than most, at least no one has gotten sick yet."

Tul: He points over to the corner where there was a couple pressed up against one of the corners. "It's true that no one has gotten sick but how much do you think there going to remember in the morning?"

Mew: "Isn't that Off and Gun?"

Tul: He was chuckling to himself as I stare over at them in wonder. "Yea, I'm surprised it took them this long to realize that they have the same feelings. I've been able to feel their sexual tension for the last 6 months now."

Mew: "Really? I never noticed."

Tul: "Well you dont really do much other than work in your office and than go home so why would you pay attention to your coworkers?"

Mew: "Hey?!?"

Tul: He holds his hands up in defense as he turns on the T.V. "I didn't mean to offend you but I haven't been here very long and I can already tell that your probably a shut in virgin that has never experienced affection in the slightest and probably still lives with his mother."

Mew: "I don't live with my mother!"

Tul: He leans closer to my ear causing goosebumps to run up my back. "What about the other things?"

Mew: I was kind of embarrassed to admit these things to him but I would be lying if I said other wise and I hate lying. "True..."

Tul: Barely a mumble as he takes another sip of his drink. "Thought so."

I went silent as he starts to watch T.V and that's when I remembered that I was looking at Gulf but when I looked up he was staring straight at me. At first it was just a curious stare but then I could see his gaze deepening until he roles his eyes and gets up from the couch across the room. I watched him leave until he disappeared around the corner in front of me.

I didn't do anything wrong right?

Maybe he has to go to the bathroom...

Zee: He stumbles over to Tul and I with a grin. "Hey I think I'm going to start heading home, if I stay any later I'm not going to be able to come to work tomorrow. I also overheard quiet a few of the others saying the same thing."

Tul: "Sounds good, stay safe and tell the others the same too."

Zee: "I will, see ya."

With an awkward half wave he turns around and begins gathering his things. The next 30 minutes consisted of this and before I knew it there was only Tul and I left in the house. It was also filled with an uncomfortable silence.

Truth or Dare ~ A One Shot Short Story ~ (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now