Mending Our Hearts

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The Granger reunion was over. The family bonds were now broken forever. The Brooks left and didn't want to have anything to do with the Grangers. Silvie was still mad at Hermione and sweared to put an and to her niece. Ted just wanted to have his wife back, the one who isn't obsessed with her boring niece so he was the one to cut all ties to the family. 

The rest of the Grangers just needed time to process things. They left the resort to go back to their home. Hermione's parents stayed for one extra night to spend with their grand grand daughter, but then they left too. Hermione's dad was devastated thet his family was now fully broken. He knew they were a broken family when Hermione decided not to sghow to any of the reunions. She was hurt and he understood that. After all his own sister and her daughters bullied her endlessly. But, he still had hopes for the family. He thought they would finally except her now when she looked more to the standards of her cousins, but their jelaousy ruined it all. 

Now all three clans of Granger family have to be separated for some time. It takes time to heal. There won't be any more reunions until enough time has passed. Hermione was glad. She was sad that everything ended on the bad note, but she finally showed herself in her true form - a successfull woman, mother and wife.

That night Draco and Hermione were laying in their bed, just snuggled in silence. It was a comfortable silence. No words needed to be said. They knew what the other one was thinking and what he/she needed, and that was comfort of the loved one. 

The younger Malfoys however had a sibling meeting in the living room of the penthouse.

"Mom can finally move on. She showed those bitches" Brianna started.

"But she didn't have to prove herself. She knows she is amazing and all she needs is support from her family." Cameron said.

"Yeah, but they are still her family, legally speaking. I think one part of her wanted to mend what was broken" Lyria said.

Rosalie was sitting on the couch with Bradley. She was listening to her siblings debating the dinner, but she didn't agree with everything what was said.

T.J. who was sitting on the floor with his back leaned on the couch broke her out of her trans.

"Rosie, what is your opinion. You haven't said a word. I know you have something to say"

The twins and Lyria just looked at her waiting for the answer.

"Well, if I'm being totally honest, mom didn't have to be so dramatic. I mean, I understand her point and everything, but one could see from miles away that such dramatic entrance would make things worse. Her cousins are such bitches, there's no doubt in that, but still she didn't have to show of. She could have been a bigger person and tell them the truth less dramatically."

Everyone was gobsmacked. Rosie's words had some truth to them. But, it was their mother they were talking about. She was always being a bigger person. At least once in her life she can do something for herself in any way she wants. She doesn't have to be the Golden Girl all of the time.

T.J. broke the silence: "You are right, but still, that is our mom. For once she didn't think about others and their feelings. Cut her some slack!" 

"Merlin T.J., momma's boy forever. I just said she didn't have to be so dramatic!" Rosalie fired back.

"Okay, you two. Stop fighting. Let's talk about something else. How about Cam's wedding?" Lyria suggested.

Cameron started blushing. Brianna punched him lightly on his shoulder.

"Merlin bro chillax. It's not that big of a deal. You just get down onn one knee, propose, she says yes and ta daa, you get married."

"It's not as easy as it sounds Bri. There are a lot of things that need to be organised . I mean, proposal can be simpler. Amber is a simple girl unlike her sister, but you know mom and Pansy, there is no way they will let you get away with a simple wedding" Lyria said.

"Well, speaking about that. I actually proposed to Amber. When we talked things over I felt it was right time to do it, only the two of us."

"Wow Cam and you haven't told mom? She will flipp out" T.J. said and everybody started laughing, while Cam started sweating. He just realised he might get ripped into pieces by his mother. He hadn't told her he already proposed and she had this whole thing already planned out.

"You will be alright Cam. She knows it wasn't on purpose. After all, with everything going on with Astoria and the Grangers I would even bet she forgot." Bradley stated.

"Well, if you say so little bro. I mean, you follow her everywhere like when you were a toddler." Cam said.

"I'm still her baby, am I not?" 

The next morning came and the Malfoys woke up. For Hermione it had been a couple of really difficult days and Draco didn't want to bother her with their Timothy problem, but Lyria insisted he told her.

"Morning sweetheart", Draco said and kissed his wife lightly on the lips.

"Morning dear" she kissed him back and slowly opened her eyes. She looked deep into his silvery eyes. She could see something bothered him. "Are you going to tell me what is bothering you?"

"What?" Draco was confused.

"Honey, I know you. One look into those eyes and I know what you are feeling." She put one hand softly on his cheek and looked him deep into his eyes.

"Well, we've been having some money problems. A sum of it was missing and it seems like Cam's right hand man Timothy has been embezzeling money from the hotel. He is McLaggen's son from first affair and his mother is ill, but we found out that even though he had enough money to pay for her treatment he didn't. Instead he took money from us. I am conflicted as to what to do next. I know how awful it is when your mother is ill and your father is no where around to help out, but he still commited a crime."

"Oh honey, I understand the situation reminds you of your mother, but it isn't the same. Timothy had enough money to pay it himself. If it was too much for him he coul have just come to you and ask for help or something, but he chose wrong. He has to suffer some consequences. I think it would be best to sit with him and talk it over. He can't be the manager anymore since he lost our trust, but we can transfer him to another hotel and he can start from the bottom. If he shows he can be trusted again he will be promoted and he will start climbing again. As for his mother, we can offer to pay for half of her treatment. That way he can still live on the lower paycheck, but learn how ordinary people survive paying for the costly treatments. Does that sound good?"

Draco kept looking into her eyes. He loved every part of her, but her heart the most. It was so pure. Kind and giving. She always knew what to do. She was the love of his life, the mother of his children and his everything. 

"Why haven't I come to you before? You always know what to do. I love you"

She smilled at him: "Well, I don't know why you didn't ask me before when you know I would have the answer. I guess you'll finally learn that your wife is a pure genious."

"Am I that bad of a husband? I know you are a genious, but still."

"You have a lot to learn hubby, but I love you and I wouldn't change anything about you." She leaned in and kissed him sweatly.

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