Long Time No See

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Upstairs on the last floor of the Dragon's rose hotel was crazy. People were running all over the place yelling at each other asking 'where is my dress?', 'where are my shoes?', 'have you seen my tie?' and so on. Right in the middle of the craziness, Cameron walked in holding Amber Zabini by her hand. They looked at the people trying to figure out what was going on. Cameron stopped a girl who looked very a like him.

"Bri, what's going on here?" he asked her.

"Dinner with mum's family. Have you forgotten all about that?"

"Well, yeah. I was busy with something else" he showed her Amber's hand on which beautiful silver ring blinged.

"Oh. My. You didn't?!" Bri screamed.

"He did" Amber said excitedly.

"Hey, everyone. Cam proposed!" Brianna yelled so everyone could hear her. Everybody else dropped the things they had and rushed to see the couple and congradulate them.

"Well done son" Draco patted his son's shoulders.

"I know you had it in you" Hermione hugged him and Amber in a tight hug. "But you too need to get ready. We're going in like" she looked at her watch "half an hour. Oh.My. We have to hurry!"

When they were all ready, they got down to the lobby to meet the Grangers. Hermione noticed Jeniffer, Blake and Patricia and headed towards them.

"Hi everybody. You ready for this?" Hermione asked.

"My. Oh. My. Hermione Granger. Or should I say Malfoy now" Jason Brooks said as he saw Draco and 7 other people behind her.

"Jason! Haven't seen you in quite some time now" she hugged him.

"It's been 30 years Mia! 30 fucking years!" he said to her.

"Well, that's why we're here. So let's go. Follow me." She ordered them and they all followed her to 4 Mercedes black limos. "Jase and Jeniffer take the first one with your kids. Uncle Harrison and aunt Patricia the second one is all yours. Blake and Rene, you take the other two cars with your families."

"And what about you, Mia?" Jason asked.

"Don't worry about us. We'll meet you there. The drivers know where to take you. Now go" she ordered her cousin.

After the Grangers got into their asigned cars, Hermione an the rest of the Malfoys went into their private part of the hotel from where they could apparate without being noticed. Hermione took Bradley with her and the rest of them apparated by themselves. They landed in a secluded alley behind a restaurant in the downtown Miami. The Grangers still haven't arrived so they went inside.

"How did you get here before us?" Jason asked.

"It's my secret Jase" Hermione winked at her favourite cousin.

They were all seated in private and secluded area of the restaurant. There was a huge terasse outside where the open bar was placed. A giant table was in the middle of the room that was decorated with lights, flowers and curtains.

"Where are we?" Patricia asked while everyone else was still in awe.

"Draco and my favourite restaurant. La Bella Vita. Italian with Miami flavours." 

"How did you manage to get all of this just for us?" Harrison spoke for the first time in a long time.

"Draco here happens to know the owner" she looked at her husband who smilled and nodded.

"So Hermione, tell us about yourself. We haven't seen each other in a long time" Blake started.

"You can read all about it in various magazines, but I happen to be children's book author. Maybe you've heard of me-J.K. Rowling?"

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