Christmas Chaos

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It was quiet in the Malfoy household. The whole house was sleeping, but as the rays of sunshine shone through the curtains waking the youngest Malfoy up he started running through the house shouting "It is Christmas! It is Christmas! Wake up! Wake up!"
Silence. No one woke up. Since all of them except Bradley were permited to use magic, they casted the silencing charm knowing that would happen.
Little 11-year-old Bradley started running towards the big french door at the end of the hallway. He opened it and jumped on the big king sized bed starteling the two people sleeping in it.
"Mummy! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" he jumped up and down trying to wake up his still sleeping parents.
"He is your son" Draco groaned putting a pillow over his head and going back to sleep.
"All of them are mine. But if I remember correctly you are the one who put them inside of me in the first place."
"But he is such a momma's boy. As well as T. J. He is all yours."
"Mummy. Get up! Come on, Mummy!"
"Like the twins don't have you written all over them."
"Alll right sweatheart, I'm up. I'm up." She pulled her youngest son in her lap and hugged him. She gave him a sweet kiss on his forhead.
"Mummy! Come on! No kissing!"
"But you are my little lion cub" She kept kissing his head and started tickling him.
"Mummy, stop....hahaha,stop it please...mummy stop!" he kept giggling. "I want"
"All right. You know what? I bet your siblings are still asleep. What do you say you wake them up?"
"Oh it is on" Bradley gave her a smirk, kissed her cheek, jumped down from their bed and ran outside of the room to wake up everybody else.
"You were saying he is my son" Hermione looked at her husband who still had a pillow on his head.
"Oh, if I wake them up, they'll never sleep again" and he turbed over to see his wife smilling. He leaned over her and kissed her passionaly. He cut the kiss short and started tickling her.
All of a sudden, someone started yelling: "I'll kill you, Bradley! I swear!"The two adults looked at one another and said at the same time:" Rosalie"
"All yours mister wakie wakie"
"You'll get your wakie wakie dear" he smirked at her, got out of the bed and headed down the hallway to sve his son from Rosalie's wrath. She was grumpy in the morning, but if woken up she was a beast.
"Oi, Brad buddy, what did you do to your sister?"
Bradley ran to his father and hid behind him when a furious blondeheaded 17-year-old came out of her bedroom all wet.
"Just waking jer up, dad. Nothing special."
"Nothing special, you little?! I'm wet!" she started pointing her wand at him.
"Rose, calm down. He was messing with you"
"Oh dad, when I'm done with him, he'll see not to wake me" she said furiously.
"What's going on here?" sleepy Cameron asked. "Never mind" he said when he noticed his wet sister and brother hiding behind their father.
"You couldn't wake them up first?" Draco asked his son.
"This was the most efficiant way"
Soon Bri and T. J. came out of their rooms sleepy, but smilling.
"Good one, buddy." Bri gave Bradley a high five. Rosalie gave her a death glare.
When they were all awake and the morning tention disappeared, the presents were open. Bradley ran out with his brothers and Bri to play with his brand new broom, while Rosalie went back to her room still angry.
Soon was time to go to Lavander and Theo's place for christmas brunch. This was the first year they were hosting it and Hermione felt relaxed as she didn't have to do anything this Christmas.
When they came to the beautiful house in row in the suburbs of London, a smilling Lavander greeted them.
"Come on in. Is Lyria coming later?" Lavander asked the Malfoys.
"She and Tom should be coming with the Zabini clan"
"Oh, great. Come in. Potters are already here."
"Great" the twins said sarcasticly. Bri still felt awkward around James and Cameron couldn't stand the guy.
When they came in, Ginny got up from the couch to greet her best friend.
"'Mione, merry Christmas"
"Happy Christmas, Gin"
As the two women hugged, Draco looked at the host asking her where his friend was.
"Oh, he and Niel are in the backyard. You could help them out. They seem like they don' t have a bloody clue what they're doing."
Draco just nodded and headed outside to greet his mate.
"Draco, mate you came!" Theo put the lights down leaving his stepson alone to handle the lights.
"Why wouldn't I?" Draco hugged Theo.
"Uhm, little help here?" Niel cut the greetings.
"Oh, sorry Niel. Draco, care to help?"
"Your wife sent me to help you two numbties."
As they hung the lights up, Bri came outside to tell the boys the Zabinis came. When Niel looked as his ex, he couldn't belive she was still stunning. They broke up years ago, but he still couldn't keep his eyes off of her.
" Niel, buddy, close your mouth." Draco told the youngster.
Niel came back from his trans and headed inside. The two men just laughed at the sight.
"Draco!" it was heard from inside.
"Coming dear." he responded to his wife calling him and they both went inside.
"Mates!" the dark man said to his friends.
"Blasie!" Theo greeted. Draco came too and the three amigos chest bumped.
Pansy looked at them, walked towards the three women standing in the kitchen looking at them, while Harry just huffed and the four women said: "Men"
"Excuse me, I'm not with them" Harry spoke taking all the attention in the room.
"Yeah, right. And what was 2 weeks ago when you had your guys night out and I had to drag you drunk home?" his wife looked at the boy who lived.
Everyone in the room laughed at that comment.

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