"Isaiah!" I snap.

"Outside." Is all he says, then turns around and marches out the doors. Ace and I follow swiftly behind him until he stops at the corner of the building.

"Isaiah, where the fuck is Rose?" I'm losing it, I'm fucking losing it. Where is she?

"She's gone. Left before I got released, didn't even wait to grab her stuff." Isaiah's eyebrow twitches as he speaks, he's pissed.

My mind starts to run, what if she hates me now because I got her arrested?

"Why." Ace says composed, I know he's freaking though. His shoulder is all jacked up from trying to break through the squad car door when he saw Rose get yanked out of my car.

"Her fucking bastard of a brother filed a missing persons report when she ran away. They ran her through the system and informed him that she's here. Some fucking protocol thing that I don't understand because she's an adult now and makes no sense to me, but they did." My body stills, becoming ice cold as the words spill out of Isaiah's mouth.

I'll kill him if he lays a hand on her.

"The lady in there said she seemed fine when she informed her, but bolted before she got back with her stuff."

A strained laugh leaves my lungs. "You've got to be kidding me."

I hate that Rose doesn't rely on us when things are hard for her, but I also understand.

She's been alone for a long time, and dealt with her problems the best she could. It probably didn't help that the three of us were all locked up for who knows how long and she couldn't even talk to me if she wanted to.

"Where would she go?" Ace flicks his thumb, eyes scanning the streets.

"I don't fucking know. But we have to start looking. Where's my car?" I have no clue what possessed that girl into thinking that it's a good idea to take off when Conway and her brother might be after her.

"They left it on the side of the road. My mom is on her way through, she can give us a ride back to it." Isaiah mumbles.

Shit, we're in for a long talk with Olivia. Especially because we got Rose involved, Olivia has taken a liking to her and she made us promise not to scare her off.

Now she's God knows where with people out to get her, she has no phone, no wallet, nothing but the clothes on her back that are grass stained and dirty from when she tackled Isaiah and when Ian threw her to the ground.

"Boys." Olivia's stern voice caused us all to tense.

"Hi, Mrs Brown." Sweet talking Ace has made an appearance. Doesn't usually work on Olivia, but I applaud him for trying.

"Shut up and get in the damn car." Her voice isn't angry, but it is disappointed. We all slide in the back seat, wanting to be as far away from Olivia as possible.

We all hate disappointing her, she knows just the right words to hit us where it hurts the most.

"Where's Rose?" She asks the question that makes my heart squeeze. She knows one of us is always with Rose, Isaiah let her in on that tidbit of information last week.

"She took off before we were released." I force the words out, they taste sour. Olivia turns around in her seat with a tight smile on her face.

"What was that?" Her eyebrows raise, eyes blinking so fast while she keeps the smile on her lips.

The whole look makes me sick to my stomach, she's fucking pissed at us but doesn't want to yell. I'd rather she yell at us than torture us like this though.

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