chapter nineteen | official

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it's the next morning and i still can't get what happened with alby yesterday out of my head. also, i still wondered why newt wanted me to meet him in the deadheads later in the day. oh well. hopefully it's good.

"so after that he-" a certain young boy spoke, but then turned to face me.

"y/n are you even listening to me?" chuck asked, while walking in the same pace as me.

"huh, what?" i asked, snapping back into reality.

"ugh," he groaned and began speaking again.
"i was just talking about the prank i pulled on gally," he finished.


the one name i never want to hear


not again

"oh yeah? what happened?" i asked, brushing off the negative thoughts for chuck's benefit to continue talking.

"i found worms in newt's garden and put them in his bed. he was mad," he said, which made a slight chuckle escape my lips.

"that's a good one buddy," i said, ruffling the boy's locks.

"yay! we're here!" he shouted, excited.
"time for breakfast!" he happily skipped into the kitchen to frypan.

"hey guys!" fry said and gave both me and chuck breakfast.

"thanks fry," i said. he gave me a smile in return.
"c'mon buddy, don't want your food getting cold do we?" i asked the boy, knowing the answer.

"hell no," he said, and began to strut towards our regular table.

god i love that kid


me, thomas and minho finished running today. thank god, it was tiering.

me and the two boys are in the map room, mapping out our route for today.

"okay we went through this route today-" minho began speaking when i suddenly felt dizzy. what the hell? it's like my mind went to a completely different reality. what the hell is happening to me?

"y/n," i heard. my mind feels like it's spinning in different directions. i hate this.

"y/n, you're gonna be a good girl and let tommy take care of you okay? just when mommy's gone," this voice said.

it's no longer a blur. i can see a woman in front of me, her hands on each of my shoulders, gripping lightly.

"just remember mommy loves you," she said, tearing up
"just remember this is for the best. i love you so much, so does daddy, never forget that. okay princess?" the woman said, tears dripping onto her soft cheeks.
"never forget that," she finished.

"y/n!" a familiar voice shouted, resulting in me opening my eyes. i felt water drip from my eyes and slide down my cheek.
"y/n, are you okay?" the voice said again, and i realised it was thomas'.

"yeah, i'm okay, don't worry" i lied.

i'm not okay

i don't know why that just happened or how it happened? no one randomly gets flashbacks loaded in their heads?

"are you sure?" thomas asked again, double checking.

"yeah?" i said, as reassuringly as possible.

"okay..." he said, probably not believing me.

"i'm just gonna go get cleaned up," i said, standing up, trying to get out of this very awkward situation.


it's now bed time and i'm lying down on my hammock in deep thought. what the hell was that back there? great, that's another thing checked on the very big list i have of problems.

there's no bonfire today, and actually, i'm happy there isn't. i just want time to myself, trying to keep calm.

i wonder what newt is doing right now...



"can you meet me tomorrow at the deadheads around this time?"

i remember newt asking me that yesterday


he's probably waiting for me! i have to hurry the shuck up

i'm walking through the forest to get to the deadheads to meet up with newt. i'm kinda intrigued to find out what he wants to be honest.

there he is

"newt!" i shouted, trying to get his attention.

"hi y/n," he said.

"sorry for keeping you waiting, i forgot," i said, stepping closer to the boy.

"no worries," he said, sitting down and leaning his back onto the hut.

"so why do you need me?" i asked, desperate for the answer now.

"okay um," he began, facing me.

"what?" i laughed.

"y'know we've known each other for a good amount of time?" he asked.

"yeah... what are you gettin' at newt?" i replied, edging closer to fuming out.

"okay well... before you were here, my time in the glade wasn't so pleasant," he began. i feel sorry for him. really bad actually. i let him carry on with his speech.
"but ever since you came up here, it's been good, happy even, you've made happy," he said. what is he getting at?
"i honestly don't know where i would be if you didn't come here" he finished, taking a deep breath.

"what are you getting at newt?" i asked the boy in front of me.

"would you like to be my girlfriend?"

my insides wanted to explode with happiness

did newt just ask me to be his girlfriend?


"of course i would newt!" i said, happiness written on my face and in my tone of voice.

"really?" he asked, astonished at my response.

"yeah!" i finished. he wrapped his arms around my figure in an embrace.

"i meant every word," he said, kissing my temple.

"i i know you did," i finished, pulling away from the hug. that was until he pulled me in again, but not for a hug. i felt my lips being connected to the only other pair of lips i wanted on mine. we pulled away after what felt like forever and smiled at each other. he pulled me in again, and snaked his arm around my waist, lowering on my back for balance.

i wouldn't wanna be anywhere else right now.

and i could tell neither did newt.


there they were

sharing a 'moment' together and subject A5 asked subject A0 to be his girlfriend.

now this just won't do.


while newt and y/n shared their loving moment together, a certain someone was there the whole time


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