"Do not speak to Corazon this is between you and me. Now tell me why you withheld information on the demons? Corazon, please leave the room and do not enter no matter what you hear" I was a private person when it came to my fights with Asmo and everyone knew that. "As you wish Lady Azazel" With her at a safe distance away I turned my focus on Asmodeus. "I expect an answer" My voice was stern and he knew that I was serious about what I asked of him. "Azazel it's a complicated matter" His hesitation was not appreciated but I've known him for several centuries, he always did this during the most serious of situations. "I am not one for games Asmodeus. Will you tell me the truth or shall I simply leave?

"Now's let's not do anything irrational. If you want to truth so badly then please sit my dearest" My head was already moving to deny Asmo's offer by the time he had finished speaking. "I would rather remain standing if you don't mind" Having an upper hand on Asmo was not something that happened often but as he took his seat, I stood at least a foot above him. "So be it. I have gained some information about the demon group unfortunately it is anything but pleasant"

"Continue" I wanted to know everything about this group but as I stared at Asmo I noticed an emotion within his eyes, it was fear. Never had I seen him look so concerned other than when my life was involved but it made me listen more carefully to his response. "They wish to... end the entanglement of demons and humans" My eyes might have narrowed ever so slightly though it was only due to the ridiculousness of that statement. "That is impossible Asmodeus" Demons were bounded to their host until the day they died and after which we always found another. That was how it has always been, no one could ever change that. "Not impossible but rather playing with fire"

That couldn't be the case although Asmo was older than I so perhaps he knew better. "Do you know why they sank that ship? I do not see the connection or reason why that event needed to occur" It was not an event that should have happened but as far as I knew nothing became of it after the world forgot. "My apologies Az but I do not have an answer for that. They're holding a meeting later tonight and the first trial will begin"

If Asmo knew this much about the growing threat then he must have been keeping this secret for a while but I could not fault the man. "Trial?" My mind was not drawing a nice picture and when Asmo spoke I realized just how bad the situation was. "Yes, they plan to rip a demon from their host" If they were to do such a thing then the demon would surely perish, or at least that is what I expected to occur. "What more can you tell me? Do you know who's leading them?"

"Their leader has not made himself known to the public but from rumors, I discovered he goes by the Magician. Ever heard of him, Az?" Demons never shared names and throughout their lives, they retained the same one. This was, unfortunately, one that I knew well. "Once... but our meeting was short-lived" If you could call our relationship short-lived that would have been a blessing but compared to mine and Asmo's that chapter was a mere line. "What do you mean, my dearest?"

"He killed me" That was not the whole story but it was what had happened when our relationship had ended. "What!? When did this occur!?" Asmo never knew of who or what came before him although I didn't feel it necessary to tell him. "Long before you came along... He was a special one but I guess it just wasn't in the cards. I thought he cared although, in the end, it was his blade within my chest. I'm sorry Asmo I should have told you sooner"

"You were involved with him? Oh, there's no need to be sorry my dearest. Please don't cry" I hadn't noticed the tears but as his fingers brushed them away, they become painfully noticeable. "Give me a smile. Come on I know you got one, Azzy. Fufufufu" Even if that name was one, I didn't like him using it still managed to bring a grin to my lips as I tried to deny him. "Do not call me that" His own lips curled up into a smile although I found it comforting. "As you wish my dearest. Shall we crash this little party? Fufufu. You know how much I love making blood rain against your fair skin"

That was not an activity I cared for but it made Asmo happy so I turned a blind eye to it. "Perhaps a little too much. Asmo do you know who they plan to use in their twisted experiment?" Demons were not innocent creatures though for one to be subjected to such harm was not something I would stand for. "Sorry my dearest but they're being extremely selective with that information"

"Magician has always been like that. We must not allow him to continue with this... How about I formally introduce you to my ex?" Putting those two in the same space together was bound to cause trouble although Asmo was strong enough to handle it. "Oh, that sounds like a blast. Can I also cut him into ribbons after?" He really didn't need my permission for such a thing and even if I had denied his request, he would only end doing it anyway. "If you must. Come along Asmo"

"Shouldn't we wait until dark?" There was no point in delaying our departure and if I knew Magician, he was already aware of our intentions. "No, he'll know we're coming long before we reach him. Let us just hope he doesn't decide to leave" If that demon wasted my time, I would not be pleased but dealing with someone who could read everything was a difficult task. "You're as smart as always my dearest"

"Thank you. Let us take our leave and be sure to wear your coat Asmo it's quite chilly today" I knew without my suggestion he'd go out in only his thin long sleeve but I learned quickly that if Asmo did such a thing then I would have to listen to the constant complaining. "Fufufufu. Alright, Azzy" With his coat in place I moved towards the door but the sound of footsteps caused me to halt. "Papa wait!" I hadn't expected she'd be up from her nap just yet though as Asmo's smile widened I allowed mine to as well. "Wendy-ya stop running in the house"

"Papa! Papa! Don't let the bad doctor get me!" The young one was human but all of our children over the years were. Not a single one had a demon as far as I was aware although I was a terrible parent and never seemed to live very long. I wanted this life to be different however that was not up to me. "Oh, my little one there you are. Death, you're being a terrible child sitter"

"Shut your mouth Asmod-ah-ah-ah I'm sorry Cora-san!" Death really should make sure Corazon isn't directly behind him when he wants to insult Asmo but the reactions from the demon were always assuming. "Show the Master some respect. For now, go sit in the corner until I tell you to move"

"Yes, Cora-san" As Death took off for his timeout session, I turned back to see Asmo was holding tightly to our child although I knew the screaming was bound to occur the moment, he tried to put her down. "Papa needs to leave Wendy but when I get back, we'll do something fun. Corazon guard my baby and do not let Death near her" Wendy despised when her papa left although this was a necessary task that needed to be taken care of. "Yes, Master Asmodeus. Come along Little Miss"

"Noooooooo! Papa can't go he'll get hurt! Nooooo! Papa!" I could understand why the girl didn't want her papa to leave but the world was bound to bring trouble for all and remaining inside would do nothing. "It's alright Wendy I'll be right back I promise. Love you, hun"

"No! No! No! Put me down!"



To Be Continued...

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