"Umm...Y/N I was wondering if you'd like to hang out today," Daniel said rubbing his neck.

Today? But I can't let Johan be alone though and why is he asking me all of a sudden"

"Daniel I'm sorry I have some work to do. Let's hang out another day" I politely turned down his request.

Daniel looked a bit upset but accepted it and agreed with me.

It was now time for lunch and we headed to the cafeteria. I was with Mira and Zack. Zoe was with her girl gang. When we entered the cafeteria we saw Daniel sitting with a guy with specs and another chubby guy whom I have never seen before.

I, Mira and Zack sat down and began to chat a bit. I was wondering if I should tell them about Johan or not because he didn't want anyone to know that he's my bodyguard.

I took another glance at the guy with specs he looked familiar to me.

Have I seen him before?

All of sudden a cup flew across the hall and hit the chubby guy's head. There was silence filled in the cafeteria. We turned around to see who was it.

"Zack, who's that?" I asked

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"Zack, who's that?" I asked.

"A douche from the vocal department" he replied.

"Vin jin didn't your mom tell you not to throw things on the floor?" said Vasco as he walked in with his gang.

"Yes, go take it yourself, is your hand broken?" Zack too protested against vin jin.

"Looks like you learnt your lesson at the library" I chuckled at Zack.

"Shut up Y/N," Zack said angrily.

"Well, at least now you impressed Mira" I shrugged.

Zack's eyes sparkled and were happy like a baby.

Vin Jin stood up from his seat and cursed "Ah fuck" and motioned out of the cafeteria mad and embarrassed.

Daniel seems to protect those who get bullied. He is a sweet guy after all. I'm glad to have a friend like him.

Our lunch break was over and we all headed back to our class.

"Who's turn is it for cleaning the class?" Our class rep asked us.

"It's Y/N and Daniel"

"Wait? What?" I asked confused.

But I didn't inform Johan, he will be waiting for me.

I was upset about this now and I felt lazy to clean the class too.
The school was over and everyone left.

"Don't try to do any stuff being alone with this guy" Zack teased me.

"Shut up Zack" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

He just smiled at me and left. It was now only me and Daniel left. We began to clean the classroom.

"Daniel what are you going to do for the festival," I asked him as I was picking up the papers on the floor.

"I have no idea," he said as he was moping the floor. "It's not like I have any talent"

"Don't say that" I demurred. "Everyone has a talent, it's just we don't work hard enough to express or improve it"

Daniel felt encouraged when he heard what Y/n said. "You're right it's maybe I'm not focused on it" Daniel smiled.

I and Daniel chatted as we were cleaning. I made little jokes in between that made Daniel laugh so hard. Daniel told me where he was from and what he does in his free time. He seemed like a free-spirited guy.

I finished cleaning what was assigned to me. I stood up pulled out my hair and tied it back into a ponytail. When I looked at Daniel he was already staring at me.

"Need something?" I asked.

"N... nothing" Daniel flinched and turned away. "Her hair is so silky and shinning" Daniel was mesmerized.

I picked up my bag. "Okay, then see you tomorrow Daniel" I waved at him.

"Yes, bye. Take care" he waved back and grinned.

I walked down the stairs as fast as I can because Johan would be waiting for me for a long time. When I came out the gate I found no one.

Huh? where is Johan? Is he gone somewhere else?.

I stood there debating what I should do now.  I decided to walk slowly because what if Johan will be here any minute. I began to walk and the breeze was so warm. On the way I saw a Sweet Rice Cake Shop I decided to stop by and buy some.

"Welcome, what do you like to buy?" the saleswoman asked me.

My eyes were going through all the pastries kept there in the glass cages. "Can I have those pink rice cakes please?" I requested.

"Yes mam, how many do you need?"

How many? I will buy some for Johan too.

"Four please"

The saleswoman packed four rice cakes and gave them to me. I paid the cash and thanked her. I got out of the store and continued walking. The only thing that worried me was where was Johan. I haven't seen him yet.

I reached my apartment. But there is no sign of Johan yet. I decided to go to his apartment to see if he's inside. I stood in front of his front door and raised my hand to knock but I noticed that the door was slightly opened.

Why is the door open? Should I go on in?

Never mind, I went inside his apartment. When I saw his apartment I was shocked. There was nothing inside, no tv, no sofa, no table or anything.

What is the guy doing in here with nothing?

"Johan?" I called out. My voice echoed all over the empty house. I searched in the kitchen and the bedroom there was no one. I thought of checking in the bathroom. I walked towards the bathroom, I reached for the doorknob. I paused for a second.

Wait, what if he's bathing or shirtless or...

I began to blush but I had to make sure Johan was safe. I pushed opened the bathroom door. What I saw next made me speechless and shocked.

What the... JOHAN!!!!!!






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