Chapter 40

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I sit next to Jimin and we turn to face each other. I glance over at Namjoon who looks angry, he is clenching his jaw and is staring intently at me. I'm in for it later. I wonder what my punishment is going to be? Is this just a game, or did he really want to keep it from Jimin? Is he worried this might make him think he can be with me again like in London?

I reel off everything that happened, I see shock and desire roll across his face as he listens. I can't help but look down and notice a large bulge in his trousers. He has enjoyed that story, I knew he would. He leans in to me and says "who is best, Namjoon, JK or me?" I wasn't expecting him to ask that. I can't answer it because every sexual experience is different, it depends massively on your mood, the relationship you have with the person, the story you are playing or the kink you are fulfilling.

"I can't answer that Jimin, it's not a fair question" I say to him shifting in my seat. He feigns upset and pokes out his bottom lip at my response. I laugh and he giggles along with me. I glance back over at Namjoon and he is looking at me with a dark intensity. He nods to the empty seat next to him and I know that means he wants me back. I stroke Jimin's arm and tell him i'm going to go back to the other side of the table. "Ok gwihan, thanks for telling me, my lips are sealed" he says with a little chuckle.

I walk back around the table and Namjoons stare follows me the whole way, his jaw still clenching in that angry but sexy way he does. When I sit back down he places his hand on the nape of my neck and firmly manoeuvres my head closer to him. "When we get home you are to go straight to the bedroom, take off all your clothes and get on all fours on the bed and wait for me. Do you understand?" He asks in a dark and menacing tone. I have to admit, I like it when he is like this, that little edge of danger in his voice and actions sends shivers all through me. Anyone could have seen him grab me like that, only a few people in the group know it's just play, and he is not a domestic abuser, others or even the staff could get the wrong end of the stick.

I feel a hand on my thigh, it can't be Namjoon's as it's on my right side which means it Jungkook's. He is lightly stroking me under the table. I don't know if this is allowed. Should I tell him to stop? It feels really nice, I don't want him to stop, but this is outside of the agreement we had earlier. This would be cheating. I can't do that to Joonie. I put my hand on his and lift it from my skin and put it on his lap. My neck has been released and I look at JK who looks disheartened. "Only with his permission" I say quickly trying to make him aware of why I stopped him. It's not that I don't want it, it's that we can't without Namjoon saying it's ok. He nods at me and says "oh, ok" and turns to his right and joins a conversation Hobi is having with Yoongi and Lori. I feel bad, he looks upset with me. This is not what I wanted for him.

After a while everyone is full, everyone is tipsy or drunk, everyone wants to go home. Some for bed and in Lori and Yoongi's case sex, some for more alcohol and one to inflict punishment on his naughty little bitch. As we are getting ready to leave and the rest of the group are thanking the staff for a lovely evening Namjoon pulls me to one side in the hallway and pins me up against the cold concrete with his body. It's dark as we are under a staircase tucked in the corner so we are not easily visible. "You really have been a bad girl tonight. I saw you touching Jungkook under the table. That's not allowed Aimee. You can't do that to me!" He is mad, but he is wrong. "I wasn't touching him like that, he started stroking my thigh and I took his hand off of me and said he needs your permission. Baby I would never do anything to hurt you".

He bends down and bites my earlobe, growls in my ear that I better be telling the truth, that my actions tonight are going to lead to pain for punishment, that he will always be in charge of me and that I need to remember that. I can't help myself, I have to push back, he can't have all the power, I like it too! "Oh baby, you know that's not true. You might be in charge today, but trust me, I can make you bow down to me if I want and have you grovelling at my feet".

The group are heading to the door, Namjoon makes a noise I have not heard before, it's like a cross between a sigh a moan and a huff of annoyance all rolled in to one. He grabs my hand and pulls me out from the dark corner, flashes that big smile of his and waves at the staff thanking them as we exit the restaurant. He is such a showman and can easily switch his persona when he needs too. Is it strange that as we get in the car for the ride home i'm actually excited to find out what he has in store for me?

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