The fancy man..Or the general,if you shall.

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Vladimir smiled at the fancy man with beautiful clothes,as he tried to calm him and change the vibe a little..To his surprise,his happines angered him more,as the frown became depper and more pronounced..When he realised that,gave up and just..Put his head down in shame and understanding and continued to talk towards the massive building.
A short yet large metal-looking block shaped like a rechtangle,with little to zero windows was the best way Vladimir could describe it.
He stepped inside and let the heavy,heavy backpack he had loose on his shoulders.He started walking down the corridor searching for his room.He cheked a wringled pice of paper in his pocket that he ripped from a document..,,207".
He startees to walkon a happy,slow note down the corridor,looking all around the place.
He gazed trough other opened doors,he quiklu realised there are betwen 4 and 8 beds,so around that many roomates.Excitement bloomed in his heart ,again,hoping he would get new friends! He started running down the coridors like a little child
He stoped,and turned towards the other side of the corridor,where the rooms with odd numbers where
A big smiled appeard on his face as he opened the door,walked inside and-..

...Empty...Dead..Alone litle bedroom
One bed,one desk,one chair,a window and a mirror..
The artsotzkan soldier started to look around the room,confused and shocked
,,No,it can t be only me!..Why only me,it s not fair,it s-"
A sound stopped his line of thinking.It was from behind him
As vlad turned around,he saw a familiar face..The man with beautiful,fancy superior clothes
,,-Hello soldier.."
He shakes his hand slowly in the air
,,-I see you found the room we have asigned to you in the letter"
The boy noded..He is verry talkative at all times but..He was shocked..And felt discriminated,so he stood there,quiet in front of him
,,-..Well,if you have any question-"started the man as he was about to leave
,,-..Why i don t have any roomates?all..The others room have like..Fifty beds!" Said Vladimir demanding towards him.
The man sighted and turned towards him"
,,-You see..-"
But he was stoped by a loud ringing..Of a phone,this time
He turned towards vladimir
,,-Wait in my office so we could discuss.It s befoure room 404,first one to left"
And so,the tall man gave him the directions and left in a rush
,,405 you say.."


Hiral waited a bit,untill the general responded..
He hasn t saw him in a long time,but he remembered some details..The general was a tall, bold man.A serious human that knew what he wanted.His job was his number 1 priority,and the second one was his appereance..Everything from the suit,to his hair,to his shoes,to his socks.
The general despised hiral for his pink hair and the favt that he,sometimes,used make up.
That wasn t manly,the old fuck said every time when hiral came in his office with some eye shadow on
..But,cam you do? Those are old minded people from arstotzka.They don t like new stuff if it isn t guns.
Bunch of racist fucks.

,,-Who is this?!" A cold voice interrupted the toughs of a certain boy with pink hair,thay changed his tome, voice and attitude almost imediatly,to sound more..Profesional,serious and mysterious
,,-This is the inventor..From Unite-"
,,-Oh,yea yea,"he rolled his eyes remembering the ,,embaresment"he was ,,-Hello ,yes.What the hell do you want? I am a serious man with akot of soldiers to train,and I have problems all over the place! I don t need your failure-"
,,-..I made a gun so powerfull,it can obliterate any type of material.With a little bit of testing on a real battle ground,i could determine the lenght and optimal wat to obliterate a human...A dirty crappy Kolechian,if you may"
The general grinned
,,-You genius!"
,,- Sexy genius* " Hiral corected him,as the general rolled his eyes
,,-Stop pushing it.I am going to comvinve them to send you a letter..We can arrange a room for you with another soldier.The train will be here in a few days.Get your kuggace ready,prince charming,just don t overflow if with bullshit.."
The man smiled calmly, while fireworks exploded in his heart.
He loved the adrenalyne,loved to fight with guns,he was so..So pasionate about them !..And he studied them since he was a kid.
When..The cold voice speaks again

,,-Oh and if I see you just once without your surgical mask..You re out,bitch"
,,-If I see your fuck boy face without the mask,giving everybody diseases and your polio,you have the first train back of the country "

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