Let's not think about it and go with the flow. I started doing my business, without thinking about the things. The bubble bath is really nice. And the scented candles are just adding more to it. I can't get enough of it.

After sometime, the door opened.

"Are you done?", he asked.

I nodded and he smiled. He came towards me and picked me up. He made me sit on the slab and started wiping me with the towel. He wrapped the towel around me and again took me towards the room.

He entered the closet and made me sit and the big sofa. I saw a beautiful floral dress was kept all set, on the hanger. He took the dress and dressed me up in that.

 He took the dress and dressed me up in that

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Beautiful", he commented.

Yeah, of course I know the dress is beautiful. Not the person who wore it. He took me to the dresser and started drying my hair.

He looks so handsome doing that. He is so adorable. No Ava. The hell are you thinking? He is a monster.

He tied my hair into a beautiful french tail, like he used to before. Earlier, when we would go to the park or riverside to spend time after school, he used to play with my hairs, making different styles.

"Seems like I still remember it", he said chuckling.

I also smiled but hid it soon with my straight face. But he seemed to notice me, and smiled in return.

"Lets go and eat, okay?",he said and picked me up. On our way out, he picked my notepad and we headed downstairs. I saw that the whole mansion was empty. Earlier there used to be dozens of maids roaming around in the mansion. And also some guards, going here and there.

I frowned seeing the mansion empty.

"I sent all the maids on vacation and the guards are guarding outside the mansion", he said.

I glanced at him. My hands were around his neck and he was carrying me bridal style.

So that means we are alone in this whole damn mansion.

" We are alone", he whispered in his deep voice.

We arrived at the kitchen. He made me sit on the kitchen counter.

He handed me the notepad.

"So, what do you want to eat?", he asked.

"You know how to cook?"

I asked, because last time when he tried to cook in the kitchen with me, he was making the carrots fly all around the house.

"Yes, I learnt it few years back. ", he said chuckling. I nodded.

"Now tell me", he said.

"Anything you wish", I wrote.

"Okay then, lets see", he said and started looking around the kitchen for ingredients.

"Why don't we eat Macroni and Chicken Fried Steak?", he asked.

I shrugged my shoulder, signalling that he can make whatever he wants.

"Okay then", he said and wore an apron and started cooking.

Wow, such a husband material. He looks so handsome like that. The way he is chopping the vegetables. The way his hands are moving.

What!! Stop drooling over him girl. He is a monster, remember that.

"It's a bad habit to stare, miss", he said and turned around.

"I m not."

I wrote and glared at him.He smirked and turned around and continued his work.

"Babe, do you remember the time, when we went to my beach house with my parents on vacation?", he asked.

I nodded. How can I forget that? Aldric personally came to my house to take permission from my parents. For certain reasons, my father never objected me being with Aldric and was always polite with him. Of course, he was a rich heir. He showed him that we are a happy family and he treats me like a princess. But it was all fake.

"You remember, when I was helping you in cooking, how the carrots were flying?"he said and chuckled.

I nodded and smiled.

"And how you burnt all the meat when we were doing barbeque."

I wrote and showed him. I didn't realise my face had a wide smile.

He chuckled and came towards me. I got nervous. Did I do something wrong?

He came closer to my face. He cupped my right cheek and whispered,

"Always keep smiling like this."

I looked into his eyes. His brown orbs were glistening. I was staring at his face. And he was looking into my eyes. Our face was so close, that our breath were fanning onto eachother's face. His eyes went from my eyes to my lips. He started leaning in.

I realised, what was going to happen? So I slightly pushed him. He turned around and started cooking. I was glancing here and there.

Ava , don't fall for his tricks. Be a strong girl. You can't forget what he did.

"Done", he said and kept the food on the dinning table.

He came towards me and said," Lets eat." He picked me up and came towards the dinning table. He sat on the chair and made me sit on his lap.

"Let me sit on the chair."

I wrote. "No", he said and brought a spoonful of Macaroni near my mouth.

"I can eat on my own."

I wrote. "No, let me feed you", he said and pouted.

I shook my head. I still have my hands intact, I can eat.

His expression changed to cold one. "Eat", he said, glaring.

My lips parted. He fed me the Macaroni and smiled. Wow, it is way better than my cooking.

"How is it?", he asked.

I showed him my thumb and he smiled.

Bipolar Bitch. He ate the other spoon himself. And just like that, we finished eating. I have to say, hats off to the teacher who taught him cooking.

"Now, lets go to the garden. You have to walk a bit", he said and again spooned me in his muscular arms.

What has got into this monster? Since I woke up, he is being so caring and romantic. He even apologised.

But if he thinks that by doing this, he can earn my forgiveness, then he is wrong .


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