When I Look At You

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(Listen to the above song before heading to the chapter. But if you already know the song then you can precisely get into the chapter)


"Yes baby. I will be fine. Don't worry. Vincenzo is with me", i said to my whining soon to be husband on phone call, who got up panicking with my absence.

"That Vincenzo, I will not leave him", Aldric said from other side. The call was on speaker, as Vincenzo who was sitting beside me insisted to do so.

"Come on man. Leave your  wife to be at my disposal till your marriage today", Vincenzo said.

"Yeah, yeah. You better keep her safe or else it will be my fist and your face", Aldric commented.

"Ofcourse", Vincenzo replied rolling his eyes.

"Okay baby. I will see you at the aisle", i said.

"Okay. Be safe. Love you", he said.

"Love you too", i said and hung up.

"Come on Vincenzo. The wedding is at 2 pm and it's 7 am now. What are we going to do for that long?", I asked stretching my arms.

"What are we going to do. Is that even a question. Girl, the people are already there waiting for you", he said.

"What people?", I asked.

"Okay. Are you even a girl?", he asked.

"Do I not look like?", I asked raising my eyebrow at his lame question.

"Okay. Nevermind. So, your prince charming had ordered me to provide you with the best beauty services on the wedding day. So, I booked an entire spa for you, where it will take you almost 2 hours. After that you have to go to the hotel, where your hair stylists and makeup artists would be present and then you will be ready by 1:30", he said.

"Okay. That's fine. I guess", i said nodding my head. Like why do we need all these? I could just wear the gown I made and go to the altar. But it's fine I guess.

After that, we went to the spa where Vincenzo  left me telling, he will be back in a while.

After he came back, we headed towards the hotel where our marriage is going to take place. Oh god, I am so excited.

The hotel where the marriage is going to take place is owned by Aldric and is one of the top hotels in the world. All the decorations were handled by Vincenzo himself, as he said it is the marriage of his sister and best buddy. So he is going to do everything by himself. Also this helped me plan a little surprise for my love.

I made my dress as well as Aldric's clothes personally for the wedding. And it really turned out well.

All the renowned people in the country were invited in the wedding. From top politicians and position holders to CEOs and chairmans of top companies. After all it the wedding of the most powerful man and one of top business woman.

Currently it is 1 pm and my make up and hair is perfectly done and I am looking so beautiful. Now, time to wear my beautiful dress.

I wore my dress along with my heels and god, is it really me. I am looking so beautiful.

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