Empty and Confused

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And just like that as if god also pitied me, it started raining. I was getting drenched in the rain and my tears were flowing uncontrollably. I cried and cried and cried, letting everything out.

After what felt like hours, the rain stopped. I was completely drenched with the rain. No more tears were left to be shed. I am feeling empty. Nothing was left within me. The last bit of life I was left with, died. I was just a hollow body, with no soul, nothing.

I gathered my broken self and got up. I came out from the maze like garden and entered the mansion. I started to feel dizzy and everything blacked out.

After 2 weeks

Here I am, in my balcony, sitting with my notepad, writting some lines.

The fallen flowers scattered by season

Remains alone, lonely and sad

The sky without the stars is sad

Like the falling rain, it is crying

Flowers bloom and wither just like my heart

AJ hasn't talked to me since that day. Of course, who would come to a pitiful girl like me? We just sit and have breakfast , that's it. No conversation. No shouting. No cursing.

He is still cruel and heartless like before. Two days ago, he shot a maid to death, claiming the food tasted bad. Just for that simple reason, though the food was fine to me.

If I was the Ava from before, I would have been scared of him. I would have cried. But now nothing.

I am not scared of him. What is to be scared of? He is a living death. And I want it. I don't want to live in this world, which has only given me pain and suffering. Hell would be better than living on Earth.

I have nothing left within me. I am empty , just like the hollow tree , I see from here.

Granny would always come with lunch and dinner. But, I always tell her not to bring it. She never listens. I don't care if AJ comes and beat the shit of me for not eating. Because that's what I want . I want all the pain and suffering , I can get.

But no he doesn't. He doesn't give me pain. He doesn't give me death. What is the reason of me being alive, if he doesn't want retribution?

And just like that the day bleeds into nightfall. I could feel the cold breeze brushing against my skin.

"Ava, you should sleep, it's late", granny said.

I got up and went towards the bed and laid down. Granny tucked me inside the bedsheet .

"Good night, sleep well", she said and existed the room, turning the lights off. Soon darkness came over and I was drifted in the world of nighmares.


It has been two weeks since I last talked with her. I see her everyday. I could see, how she changed over the weeks. She is not scared of me. She doesn't show any kind of emotion. Her blue eyes are now empty.

It pains me to see her like that. I even killed a maid infront of her, just to see her reaction. But she didn't even flinch. It was like she is now used to me being like that.

One part of me wants to just go and embrace her. Tell her that everything is fine and I am there for her. Other me, doesn't want to forgive her, for what she did. And the other me , tells that I am not good enough for her. All I have given her is pain and suffering.

I am confused with my own self. I don't want to approach her, as I don't know what to do. The maid told me that she doesn't eat lunch and dinner. I don't bother her, thinking it's her choice. I don't want to force her for anything. She is already broken enough, I don't want to break her more. So, I make sure that she atleast, has her breakfast properly.

It was already late night. I was working on some files in my office. Finally, it was done.

I got up and headed towards my room. I came across her door. Debating if I should enter or not.

She should already be asleep. I peeked in to see if was asleep or not?

Yes, she is . Sleeping like an angel, she is. I entered the room and sat on the edge of the her bed. She was sound asleep.

Her beautiful pink lips, slightly parted. My fingers automatically went there, tracing her lips. I want to taste them , so bad. Her tongue automatically went out, licking my fingers and she started nibbling them in her sleep.

"Cute", I whispered with a chuckle.

I could feel myself getting hard, so I removed my fingers, from her lips. It would be hard from me to deal with her this cuteness.

My eyes went towards the notepad, on her side table. It is the one she always carries , in case if she has to talk with anyone. It still hurts me , that she can't speak now. I won't be able to hear her melodious voice again. Her angel like sweet voice.

I took the notepad ,and started going through pages. She calls the old maid granny. How humble she is. She wrote some lyrical lines also. She does this also? I didn't know. All lyrics were sad. As if she wrote her feelings in those lyrics.

I glanced at her.

"I am sorry", I said."For making you like this. For doing what I did. But now I don't know what to do?I can't forgive you. I can't embrace you. I can't be with you. ", i continued with tears brimming my eyes.

"I think it's better the way it is. It's better , if you hate me. I can't give you anything other than pain. I can't even leave you, because I am selfish. I want to keep you with me. You made me feel again. You made me realize that, there is still a heart in me, which I thought was no more.You made me feel alive again. And I love this feeling. I am sorry for being selfish", I confessed everything to her sleeping figure. I wish if I could tell her these things when she was conscious. But no I can't.

My phone rang, distracting me from the emotional state. It was Vincenzo. I wiped my tears and got back to the AJ I am. I went towards the balcony and  answered it , bringing the phone near my ear


"Boss, there seems to be a problem over here."

"What is it?"

"The italians bombarded five of our warehouses in Europe, I need to go and look over there.

"Those bloody italians. I am coming back. You can head over to Europe after that."


I hung up and called Robert.

"Robert, get the jet ready tomorrow , we are leaving."

"Okay boss".

I hung the call and came back to Ava. I carressed her hair.

"Good night, sleep well, we have got a long flight tomorrow", I said to her sleeping figure and exited the room.


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