First Step

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I woke up with a very painful headache. I held my head and got up. I was feeling very dizzy.

I glanced towards the balcony. The sun was shinning brightly. I don't remember sleeping. What happened yesterday?

I remember denying granny for lunch and then. Yes AJ. That powder.

He fed me drugs. The thing that i had hated my entire life. And he knew, how much I hate them .

He knew Lisa , my best friend died because of it. Remembering it , a tear dropped from my eye. She had got addicted to cocaine and apparently overdosed herself to death.

And he knew that. He knew how much detest and disgust , I had for those awful things. But still he gave them to me and that too forcefully.

Seems like, he is not the one who knew me. He is not that person. The person who is infront of me is a living monster and the worst thing is that , I am the one who made him like that.

The only thing which disgust me right now is me and myself. I took those heinous thing. That just adds one more thing to the list of 'Reasons I hate myself'.

I got up from the bed heading towards the washroom.

After a long relaxing shower the dizziness eased a bit, but not the disgust.

Heading into the closet, i wore the clothes which I found the most comfortable.

Not like anyone would care, what I wear, except for him

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Not like anyone would care, what I wear, except for him. But I don't care, he hates for all I know.

And I would prefer it like that. I deserve all the hate I could get.

I went towards the balcony. My favourite spot. I saw a beautiful butterfly on one of the flowers.

I was quite intergued by it

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I was quite intergued by it. I wanted to hold it in my hands and caress it.

As soon as I brought my hands near her, she flew away.

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