Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

"You still love each other, we know. We can feel it. No matter how many fights, you two show us, it will never erase the love overflowing from both of your eyes."

"That's a lie. We've moved o--"

"You're a terrible liar, Annette." Julia replied.

The brunette caught her tongue. She knew that there was no point lying to her friends, because her friends knew her so much. Her friends knew all the phrases that she would spit, even before she would even say it. Sandra heaved a sigh. The growing loneliness and pain settled in her chest once more and she so badly wanted to ask Julia how to push someone out of her heart. But even if Julia would give her an answer, how would she do it when Cate was tattooed on the depths of her heart already?

"Remember what happened three years ago? December? Christmas evening?"

Sandra startled and her heart swelled at Julia's question. Of course, she remembered. How could she forget?

The Christmas was riped in the air. The snowy breeze of december was right along the corners. It was a white christmas. People were busy sliding on their porches, the malls were filled with last minute shoppers. Sandra and her friends agreed to meet for a quick dinner in a resto in Manhattan; just a quick how are yous before they go home to their families. All of them arrived at the resto, except for the brunette. They kept calling her and it just proceeded to the voicemail. Worried, Jen and Julia rushed towards Sandra's condominium and when they arrived there, Sandra was sulking in the sofa with the biggest frown one could wear.

"You ditched us." Jen spoke as she stood in front of the brunette.

"I fucking replied that I cannot come." The brunette reasoned, shooting them a glare telling them to just go away.

Julia sat beside Sandra, "You fucking didn't." She stated and got Sandra's phone on the table, "You fucking replied only in your head."

The brunette melted on the sofa. She didn't want them to be there. She wanted to be alone. She wasn't up for small talks and short-lived giggles. Jen sighed. She then decided to sit beside Sandra.

"It's christmas. What's your problem?"

Sandra exasperatedly exhale, "Nothing."

Julia jumped on the sofa and turned to the brunette, "Oh, come on! You're a terrible liar, Annette!"

"She didn't text me." Sandra revealed and turned to look at her friends, "Cate and I are supposed to be spending christmas together, but she's not here. She didn't text me too. I kept texting and calling her, but none!" She threw her hands on the air and stood up in front of her friends, "I got no reply!!!"

Julia and Jen exchanged looks, "You are so whipped." They said in synch.

"I'm in love." She corrected them and sighed, "I hate her so much like I wanna kick her vagin --"

She wasn't able to finish her statement when her door flung open. And there stood the love of her life. Cate smiled sheepishly at them, greeted Julia and Jen before she looked at Sandra apologetically.

"Honey, I'm sorry. My phone was in the car and I was doing something --"

Cate wasn't able to finish her words when Sandra walked out. Jen and Julia watched as the brunette walked towards her room and slammed it.

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